community compass ment of, a project com- mitted to the health and welfare of gay and bisexual men in Vermont. R.U.1.2?_is currently accepting resumes for two part-time peer out- reach workers for the project. Hours are two evenings and V one weekendday a week, "approxi- mately 10-12 hours a week of inter- net-based peer outreach and office . staffing. Call 860.7812 for more-i_nfor- mation; gay and biseiiual men, trans- gendered men and women and peo- ple of color encouraged to apply. Samara Thanks Us All A big thanks to our many donors and supporters who have given this year. (We at Samara are grateful to all of you who have joined us in strength- ening our GLBT community organiza- tions and projects. Your support is helping to create a more welcoming and respectful Vermontl r J1" Samara Foundation receive?! a generous anonymous gift that puts us very close to our annual fundraisjng goal.- AND the donor cre- ated a $7,000 challenge to help us reach our goal. ln.Apri|, the board will determine how much will be given in grants and scholarships this spring. To make your gift, you may call the Samara office at 802.860.6236 to make a credit card payment, or mail your check to: Samara Foundation, P.O. Box 1263, Burlington, VT 05402. Thank you! Do you know a Vermont high school senior who is working to create a more respectful and welcom- ing community? lf so, encourage them toacontact the Vermont Student- Assistance Corporation (VSAC) about the 2004 Samara Scholarship. Samara Scholarships for Year 2004 will be processed through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Samara Scholarships are listed in VSAC’s Scholarships (for the College Year 2004-2005). For a copy call 1-800- 642-3177. Information about applying will also be includedat www.sama-, along with a link to VSAC‘s website, Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2004. The Samara Scholarship was established in 2000 as an investment in the future of Vermont students who oppose dis- crimination and prejudice and who stand for the elimination of of homo- phobia in our society. Free Screening The Vermont Diversity Health Project will be holding a day of free and con- fidential screenings for alcohol, other drug, and gambling problems. if you think you might have a problem but don’t know where to turn for help, just stop in. All screenings will be done by qualified addiction professionals who will provide you with information, and referrals for further assessment and treatment if necessary. The location is R.U.1.2?’s new office at 34 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington and the screenings are open to all regardless of age. No appointment is necessary, just stop by the office between 2 and 7 PM on April 8th. V