ar - II 4 .’ writer! 1: For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendarlat : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm Sunday 4 BURLINGTON - Christchurch Presbyterian ~' . _ Sunday Service Every Sunday from 9:30AM. ’ . CCP is a "More Lightflchurch. We welcome all persons. regardless of sexual orientation. intofull . participatlonin the life, membership, and leader- ship ol‘ this church‘, and strive, as part of the Body ‘ of Christ, to reach out in rninistryto lesbian, gay, BURLI, , . ; _, . 6 Fifth Annual Fool's;Golcl . Arlisls' ’Ftind Benefimrt Auction will be held’ Thursday, April 1, 2004vat the Firehouse Center ~' For \fisual«Aris’, ’135-Cliurchstreet, Burlington, VT. A preview of the takesplace from~5pm' to - ' 7pm, and the live (often lively!) auction starts at ‘ ‘ 7pm and njnsxuntil epm. Tl_1e;Fur_icl is a grass‘ a%dmlnistere‘d"cash pool"‘for . " _ San Gordon plays ‘ladies’ night’, Wednesday 21st at Charlie 0's in Montpelier community compass News from the Vemaont Women’: council The Brattleboro Branch, American Association of University Women (AAUW), once again is offering four $1,000 college scholarships to quali- fied women candidates of Windham County. Deadline for applications is May 1. Three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to highschool/preparatory school/home school senior women, legal residents of Windham Co., who are enrolling for fulltime study at an accredited four-year college granting a Bachelor's degree. One additional $1,000 scholarship will be given to a woman age 25 or older who is pursu- ing education part-time. She must have achieved her junior or senior year, be in a college program leading to a Bachelor's degree, and have been a legal resident of Windham Co. for at least five years. Applications should be sent by May 1 to AAUW Scholarship Committee, c/o Martha J. Fenn, 192 Western Ave., Brattleboro, VT 05301. Submissions should include a personal letter, financial statement, two letters of recommen- dation (one from a teacher), and offi- cial transcripts. Applicants will be judged on academic performance, extra-curricular activities, community involvement and financial need. Also, Vermont Legal Aid and Legal Services Law present the website: it offers free legal information on a variety of topics, including Abuse and Domestic Violence, Work, and Taxes. CARES Seeks Peer Outreach Workers Interested in teaching others about HIV and earning money for your time? Vermont CARES Peer Outreach program is a community- based program through which individ- uals reach out to their own peers with HIV prevention information. Individuals are able to use their natu- ral connections in their communities to most effectively reach others at risk for HIV. Some peer outreach workers bisexual, and transgendered people bolhwithin V and outside of our congregation. Christchurch . _ Presbyterian (CCP) is located on UVM Fledstone * Campus between the water tower andythe ' Catholic Center. . . ’ . .~ A I eueunorou ~ VGiSA-{Volleyball wry _ b Sundayfrom s:oogs;o‘o PM. vesnvoireypail‘ Christ the King h_urch,;;Burlington donati j may also be trained to provide oral counseling and testing or needle exchange. Volunteers may receive financial stipends for their service. The next training will be held on April 13, 14 & 20th in Burlington. For more information or to reserve your space, please call Kelly at 1-800-649-2437. Safespace Raffling The Safespace annual 50/50 raffle continues! Last year’s winner won $800 and we hope to have as fantas- tic a turnout this year. Buying a raffle ticket (1 for $6 or 2 for $10) not only gives you a chance to win big, it's also a chance to show your support for SafeSpace and help us continue to provide a number of services for‘ LGBTQQ survivors of violence. The drawing will be held on April 6 at The Waiting Room (a benefit featuring per- formances by Jane “Daddy” Holdmah. Antara, and Dana Shellmire), so buy your raffle tickets now! Other Safespace events coming up include: a fun concert at Pearls featuring The Smittens on April 3 and “Cheese Days” (a grilled cheese sale with cheese donated by Cabot!) outside Bailey Howe Library on the UVM Campus on April 20 and 21. Safespace is on the look-out for board members: it >>