..Lavender Lizzie: eelies and Quandries ear Lavender Lizzie, Hi, I am friends with this girl who recently told me she has been into me for a while; I had no idea. I felt the same and shared it with her. We went back to my place afier the date, and ended up having sex. The next day she told me she was breaking up with her boyfriend for me. She did. Then told me so. Then he cried. She felt bad, and now she got back together with him! This is after she told me she wanted to spend every night with me, and was all into me, and hated guys. ’ I am confused. We kept trying to meet up to talk about the situation, since I was noticibly upset, but our schedules didn t ever match up. She called me a few times, just to chat. I started calling her back. And now she isn t calling oitm apr04 Make Your (two Pre—Spring Sale! 20% MI any single item’ ‘Excludes cat food. dog food. aqua: and sole items. flffer expires 4I30I NOAH’S AR me at all I What in the world is going on? What do you think I should do? Please, help! Signed, Please Help! Dear Help, You 11 have to help me with the terminology here. Into ? Does that mean hopelessly in love, because that s the way you are act- ing. If I understand the situation, you did the deed with a woman whom you dated once, afterwards both of you made promises of undying love and fidelity, and then ’ one of you found that, alas, she couldn t quite do that. Now the other of you is devastated. I suppose that Lizzie is supposed to be solicitous and say, Oh, you poor dear. She s going Vaur FANlll.V-Uwned & Operated eighborhood Pet Specialists Since 199 . ' ' Ashwort Pet 8. Grooming Just 0!! I-89, exit ‘I6 Across from I.ibIry’s www.lloc&sArIrVI.com - 655-042! to try really hard not to say, What did you expect? That isnt going to help your aching heart, she knows. But she is most tempted to use your heartache as‘ an object les- son to other lesbians out there who really, truly, honestly believe that one fantastic night together is proof of ever-lasting compatibility and endless romance Oh, she might as well be singing in a thunder- storm. Sigh. OK, so what will help you? The truth? She s not going to give up her other love right now. It is irrelevant that the other love is male, distasteful though that may seem to some readers. There sim- ply ARE women out there who are perfectly willing to oh, well, we needn t get into that. In any case, the maleness of the other party is irrelevant to the reality that this other woman has made it pretty clear that you are not her first choice, contrary to what her mouth (in any of its activities) is commu- nicating. She also has managed not to speak to you about your notice- able upsetness and I doubt she will. She s running, plain and sim- ple. Now ask yourself: do you want to be involved with someone who makes promises, breaks them, and then runs from the person she s hurt so as not to have to confront what she s done‘? Consider yourself lucky, my dear, that you got out of this with only a few scratches. Later on, the lacerations would be much more painful. Oh, and next time, please, please, please wait until you ve 3 gotten to know someone before you give away your heart. And don t confuse fireworks under the sheets to mean anything. It doesn t. Lovingly, Lavender Lizzie Sarah Harrington, a realtor dedicated to our community! - Mountain Pride Media - Board Member ’99, ‘O0 ° Pride Committee — Silent Auction ’98, ’99, ’00 - Rainbow Business Association - President ’98 ° RU12 — Annual Dinner — Silent Auction Co-Chair ‘O3 ' Samara Foundation — Board Member ‘04 Call Sarah if you’re buying or selling your home. RE/M 553 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, VT 05446 North Professionals bu: ormz u runqmcknuy own: an Opmkd 655-3333 X30 ., PHO€NlX RISING * spirited jewelry 1' gifts at gallery * Open 7days 34 state street montpelier, vi 05602 802.229.0522