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The Episcopal Church Welcomes Vou RVMK North fessionals www.condoguy.com (802) 655-3333 EXT. 17 (800) 639-4520 EXT. 17 reality at the moment. On the one hand, we ve got all these unexpected good things happen- ing in the realm oflegalizing gay marriage. And on the other hand (the one I call the shame on you hand), we ve got a lot of absurdi- ties in the same realm that, if they weren t so ugly, would just be downright funny. On the up side, mayors in San Francisco and New Paltz, New York were marrying gay folks despite the state laws against it. What s really interesting is what actually followed those courageous actions of a California Democrat and a 26-year-old Green Party member: The Democratic attorney general of New York, though he ordered New Paltz to stop the marriages, went on record as being for gay marriage. (John Kerry, take note!) The Democratic mayor of Chicago, about as far as you can get from the liberal wing of the Democratic Party (conservative commentator George Will noted that Mayor Daley is about as radical as a grilled cheese sand- wich ), mentioned that he would have no problem if Cook County (where Chicago is locat- ed) started issuing marriage licenses. Meanwhile, a Republican county clerk in New Mexico began issuing marriage licenses, before she was summari- ly stopped. Even the mayor of New York City and the Govemator of California — both Republicans — have said, in the case of the former, that gays deserve the rights of marriage through civil unions and, in the case of the latter, that he would not object to civil unions for gays. This is pretty heady stuff, when the nation s middle — both Republican and Democrat — essentially agree that gays should have the same rights that straight couples enjoy in marriage. About the same time, the city of Portland, Oregon, started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, and gay couples them- selves are showing up in county clerks offices around the country to demand the right to be married, even if they re being turned down for those licenses by surprised or I m feeling a bit divorced from even sympathetic clerks. It s dizzying to try to keep up with it all. Of course, the other side of the coin is the more tarnished one. In Georgia, there s a fierce battle raging over whether to pass an amendment to the Georgia _ constitution banning gay marriage (this in a state where education is ranked nearly last in the nation, and the Republican state school superintendent recently started a firestorm of controversy when she decided to replace the word evo- lution in school textbooks with imposed on us, a tongue-in- cheek straight male writer to the local newspaper asked (paraphras- ing slightly), Will I be forced to many a man? Do I get to pick which man? Could I be forced to marry Senator Crotts? Does the marriage have to be an expensive affair? Do I have to pay for the wedding planner? What happens to my wife? Meanwhile, on a nation- al level, we ve learned a new twist on an old reality: there s just nothing worse than when good Bush goes bad. President Bush is pushing, doubtless as a wedge issue in the November election, an amendment to the US. Constitution that would ban gay marriage. The man s got chutz- pah. Even slavery was never codi- fied. But Bush wants to pro- tect traditional marriage. And I don t suppose that pointing out that traditional marriage, from a Biblical perspective, also included polygamy (King Solomon alone Here’s a slogan or two that Bush could use in his fight to protect the sanctity of marriage: “Silly gays - adultery is for straights!” biological changes over time, apparently so as not to offend her constituents, all of whom must have been extras in the movie Deliverance — but I digress). The state senator who introduced the amendment is — get this — once divorced, so you have to wonder which of his marriages he s look- ing to protect from the gay bar- barians at the gate. After reading a quote from State Senator Mike Crotts, a sponsor of the Georgia amend- ment, that, If we re not success- ful in passing this one, then I think we re one judge away from having same-sex marriage had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines — Laura, watch out!), a requirement that if one brother dies then the other brother must marry the widow (even if the living brother already has a wife —— again, Laura, watch out — Jeb s pretty scary), and even punishment by death for adultery (Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich — watch out!). Just because I m an even-handed kinda guy, I thought I might help Bush out with a slo- gan or two that he could use in his fight to protect the sanctity of marriage. (How about: Silly gays — adultery is for >>