I remember as you do the divisive experience of four years ago and I don t want to relive that. We ve got so many other issues on our agenda — health care reform, improving the economy, and addressing a lot of other issues facing our state. I don t see the need to revisit that in any context. OITM: When faced with the opportunity to make an appoint- ment to the Vermont Supreme Court you referred to the Baker v. Vermont decision as judicial activism. Is judicial activism a decision that you dont agree with? Douglas: Your assessment is right. It is in the eye of the beholder at the time but I know a lot of attor- neys believe that it is a stretch to look at the [Vermont] constitution and read that into the [Common Benefits] clause that they cited. But there s no question that the law of is §tats:i§..=Whatev¢ra.maJ0rirty.°f e .upr‘eme"Court say it is at any point. They made a decision that we all must now respect. I didnt ask about any specific cases with candidates for the (Supreme Court) appointment, I didn t think that was appropriate. OITM: Last year when we met you said you needed to huddle with your team before deciding whether you would issue a procla- mation recognizing Gay Pride Day. What did your team say? Douglas: I don t know if we had that huddle frankly (laughs). We haven t talked about it. _ OITM: Would you issue the proclamation if asked? Douglas: Id have to huddle with my team (laughs). We get so many requests every week for difierent proclamations I don t know if we ever got around to discussing it. OITM: If a request were made this year would you issue a procla- mation? Douglas: I guess we (1 have to assess itas we do with others. I don t honor every request for a proclamation that comes in but we d certainly consider it. OITM: Will you attend Gay Pride Day in July if you are invited? Douglas: I don t know. I get so many invitations I d have to see if it fit the schedule and make a deci- sion at the time. I just don t know. OITM: I don t mean any disre- spect, but does I dont know mean you don t want to think about it or you don't want to answer the question? Douglas: It is obviously not with- out controversy in terms of making that decision so I d have to think about it. OITM: » Gender identity is not cur- rently included in Vermont s nondiscrimination statutes. What is your view on H.366, a bill amend- ing state law to prohibit discrimina- tion on the basis of gender identity? Douglas: I didnt know that there was a bill in. It hasn t been promi- nently discussed by committees so . I,_,do‘r_1,_t knov\g.~,I._cl’ha'\‘ge_ to‘ think about it. OITM: As Governor, through an Executive Order, you could prohib- it discrimination on the basis of gender identity in state employ- ment. Would you consider doing that? Douglas: I am happy to consider it. We have a union contract with state employees and I m not sure how [an Executive Order] relates to that. We 11 talk to Personnel. OITM: You ve expressed your opposition to the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes (H.111). Why? Douglas: The federal government has not approved it for medicinal purposes. The FDA has made it very clear that not only does it reserve the’ right to prosecute peo- ple who use it but also government officials who sanction it. That got my attention! It is awkward when the federal government has a view that is quite clear on its use and for states to do something different. There is a process fpr the FDA to approve medications and it has approved a form of THC that is available for medicinal purposes and could, if it felt appropriate, approve marijuana but it has cho- sen not to do so. My predecessor, who is a physician, felt very strongly about it. I m not persuad- ed that we want to do something in contravention of the federal law. OITM: I think many people felt that Governor Dean s position on medical marijuana was wrong. The concern with THC pills is that if you are suffering from nausea you are unable to take pills, so smoking marijuana is a better delivery device for many people living with HIV/AIDS and other illnesses. Douglas: The FDA must under- stand that when it makes’ its deci- sions. I assume they must have heard all the arguments about medicinal marijuana and decided against it. I accept the notion that it provides reliefto people. The ques- tion the FDA and other drug agen- cies pose is, is it the only way to do it? OITM: In November you ll face a challenge from pro-gay Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle (D). What parts of yourvrecord as Governor - would lead GLBT Vermonters to support your reelection? Douglas: 1 think Vermonters of all identities and persuasions want the- same things that most Vermonters do. That is the chance to be suc- cessful, improve the quality of their lives, have a decentjob, and be able to afford a home, education and retirement. I think many Vermonters share my goals in terms of the initiatives I have offered. There s a lot in my record of accomplishment that I ll offer to the voters at the end of two years that will be impressive. OITM: As Governor, what other message do you have for gay and lesbian Vennonters? Douglas: Vermont is historically and traditionally a place of inclu- sion and nondiscrimination. That s a long legacy of which I m proud and which I know all Vermonters are. It is one that I plan to continue. V Paul Olsen also writes for In Newsweekly and lives in Colchester. 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