term, Gov. James Douglas (R) agreed to an interview with Out in the Mountains at his Montpelier oflice. The interview covered a broad range of issues, including gay mar- riage and civil unions, medical mari- juana, Gay Pride Day, and making gay and lesbian ‘appointments. Excerpts from the interview follow. J ust over one year into his first OITM: Shortly afier the Supreme Judicial Court s decision legalizing gay marriages in Massachusetts you said you opposed amending the U.S. Constitution to prohibit gay mar- riage. How did you come to this decision? Douglas: I think each state can decide for itself how it wants to han- dle the issue. Vermont made a deci- sion four years ago after our own Supreme Court decision and I think most Vermonters have come to accept the civil union statute that was enacted that year. I don t see the need for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. OITM: Will you discuss your oppo- sition [to the Federal Marriage Amendment] with President Bush? Douglas: I don t know if that will come up. We have a lot of things to talk about when we meet with him. I expect that matters of education, human service programs and fund- ing, homeland security, and other matters might be higher on every- body s agenda. OITM: Amendments to the Vermont Constitution declaring same-sex marriage illegal have been introduced by Sens. Canns (R- -‘ Caledonia), Maynard (R-Rutland), Hull (R-Rutland), Mayo (R- Caledonia), and Shepard (R- Bennington). What is your position on these amendments? Douglas: I don t see the need for those proposals. The statute that passed four years ago when we enacted the civil union law restated the statutory definition of marriage as‘ the union of a man and a woman. _ That s suflicient as far as I am con- cerned. The Governor has no role in constitutional amendments. Obviously I could weigh in, but I don t have the role that I do in legislation. OlTM’s Paul Olsen interviews Vermont’s Republican Governor Jim Douglas OITM: State Rep. David Zuckerrnan (P-Burlington) intro- duced a bill (H.676) that would change existing civil unions to same- sex marriages in Vennont. What is your opinion of H.676? Douglas: When Dave introduced it he admitted that it was an antidote to the constitutional amendment pro- posal in the (state) senate, so I dont know how serious he is in advancing it this session. I think we ought to leave the status quo alone. That s where most Vermonters would like to see the policy on same-sex unions. I “The civil union law restated the statutory definition of marriage as the union of a maniand a woman. That's sufficient as far as-I am concerned.” Governor Jim Douglas