classifieds Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to classi- fieds@mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477, ‘or fax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements V Come join the band! Sambatucada! welcomes new members. We traditionally lead the Pride Parade, as well as Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest parades, and play for First Night and many other community—reIated events. No drumming experience is required -' only a willingness to learn. Rehearsals for the new season begin in March. Come check it out at 2:30 p.m. on the first and third Sundays and 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. For more information, call Lynn at 660-0420. (3/04) V BURLINGTON: The Community Health _Center of Burlington will begin a free 5-week 4 Smoking Cessation Program on March 10, 2004. This group helps people who are ready to quit smoking with strategies and tools to break their smoking habit. This free program meets on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. |ncome—eligible partici- pants can receive free cessation aids. Refreshments will be provid- ed. Transportation arrangements can be made for you. For furthe Employment Paid fissitiémss ‘ V Membership Recruiter need- ed. The new Vermont Gay Tourism Association, which pro- motes the state to the Gay & Lesbian travel market, is seeking a Membership Recruiter to increase ’ Experience pre- , membership. ferred but not necessary. Commission-based compensa- tion. 1-802-253-7603 for appoint- ment. V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell ‘advertising for our monthly news- A paper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpride- Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more infor- mation. 802-434-5237 or Employment tfsiammsy Fssisieass V OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on com- munity members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volunteer about an hour a month as a distribution vol- unteer. It's easy and helps to keep the cost of producing and distribut- ing our paper down. FMI contact circu|ation@mountainprideme- V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individ- uals who are looking to get involved with. a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a differ- ence! FMI: mpm@mountainpride— or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountainprideme- V Fame (not fortune) Awaits! Out in the Mountains is in search “=:information,zplease,gcall§;ttafiocia ' 41% «I59 °E.'802:.434r594¢§‘i-I ~ - _ Work Department at ’8V60"’-4323." " of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to inter- view others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to con- tact Euan Bear at editor@moun- We are a 501(C)3 organization. There are no funds to pay content contribu- tors (maybe someday). Groups V New Social Group forming for Lesbians of Addison County (LOCA). For more information contact or call Birgit at 802/388-3489. (3/04) Roomates sass V Furnished Room in a victori- an farm house in Hartland VT close to Exit 9 on I91. The room is a large furnished room with a clos- et as well as a bay window with nice natural lighting. As a member of the household, you would have --=vfood1:gstoragegspace in: the lKitcl_1‘_en.r . uselof the appliances, pots. pans, dishes and. utensils; access to the ‘laundry with washer and dryer and other common areas of the house. The utilities and a local phone line are included in therent. We also have a DSL internet connection distributed to the household through a wireless network. The household consists of myself and two other unrelated working adults. We tend to be a quiet lot, but do host the occasional dinner Ci A Bromine-Free. Btilnriae-Free. care-Free.‘ www.gotopooIsiuff. com RE S'YS"I‘l‘:EM party. I try to provide a flexible liv- ing situation with all the details covered. If this sounds like the kind of opportunity you .are looking for, you can reach me at The_pro- prietor@hotmai|.com. (3/04) Services Omred V CIVIL UNIONS: For Vermonters, New Hampshirites, and New Yorkers in Beautiful Vermont.Congratulations. on your decision to have a civil union! I would love to help you create a ceremony embodying your love and commitment, tailored to your dreams and desires, full of cher- ished moments and lasting memo- ries. Reverend M. Anne Clark, M.Ed., M.S.C., Interfaith Minister. Call , 802.861.6000 revanne@weddingofsou| http://www.weddingofsou| (05/04) V “Sacred Star Massage ‘for your heavenly body‘ Offers Swedish Sports Massage and Zone Therapy in our private room that is preheated for your comfort. Swedish sports massage is great for tired muscles, chronic back pain.and over all relaxation. Zone Therapy is, related to Reflexology for overall health benefits from foot massage...what I .a luxuryll Swedish sports massage and Zone Therapy is a unique part of your health care plan! We offer pri- vate showers and delicious shakes for your convenience. We are resident massage for Espire Personal Training-Studio at 12 Gregory Drive South Burlington. Vermont. 802-861-3636. Please call ahead, bookings by appoint- ment only.” (2/04) V Sparkle Plenty! Cleaning Service: Tired of the same old grime? We get a kick out of clean! Call 802-861-3636 for appoint- ment to discuss your cleaning, organizing, task master needs. References on request, ask for Mrs. Augendean and wave your woes goodbye! We use environ- mental y safe products unless oth- em/ise specified. (2/04) V If you think your GAMBLING PROBLEM will go away by itself, DONT BET ON IT! Has gambling become a problem for you or someone you know? Get free information and screenings by a licensed addictions clinician. Information and confidential refer- rals‘ are available for family mem- bers and friends, as well as for the gambler. Free information and screenings for alcohol and drug problems are also available. By appointment only. Contact Joel Rosinsky, LADC at 802-878-2120. (2/04) I Di! 5 Help Fight Cancer... Buy Daffodils! Flowersarrive for the first weeks of spring. $7.00 per bouquet é§'.'«_°c'ei5°" .f"' Society .’ Ordef Today! A‘ A 1 .800.ACS.2345