—...,_.,.,~.y.._._,.,,-g_-m...y..‘_,:_re..,.,.,. _._.T .. . e have arrived at the end of the zodiac. Winter is ending. From February 19th until March 20th, we mark the domain we call Pisces. The Fish, a pair of them, are moving through water, sometimes with terrific grace and agility, sometimes with great confusion when dashing in opposite direction all at once. In some sym- bologies, they are connected by a length of ribbon. The can move together as one, or they can get snagged in a seemingly endless tug of war. We can think of them as representing the internal life and the externals of life. It is much more comfortable when they move in sync. This strikes me as a very appropriate symbol, as Pisces is both a water sign and a mutable sign. The water speaks to the realm of feelings, and emotions, and the general fluidi- ty of the Piscean nature. The muta- bility reminds us that Pisces is ever moving, ever changing. One can see how the reality of living in a world of moving water could be a bit scary. Where’s the clarity??! Where’s the certainty? Help!!!!! We would all like to believe that there is an absolute truth, a solution, a final answer. Unfortun- ately, or fortunately, life, for the most part, is a murky proposition, and we spend a lot of our time swimming about from one illusion to another, hoping this one will be the solid rock that saves us. Naturally, we are afraid. Where is the solidity we long for? When will we “get it right?” More than any other time of the year, these feelings come up during these late winter days. Cabin fever notwithstanding, we can feel even crazier that usual and so we look for remedies. On one end of the spectrum of possible “cures” for being alive in this wacky, wacky world is the idea of deadening our- selves, or getting out of this ordinary reality. Maybe if I take just one more toke, eat one more oreo, have one more temper tantrum. Maybe if I take one more trip, one more pill or have one more orgasm. There is nothing intrinsi- cally wrong or bad about any of these responses to our uncertainties. They may bring momentary relief but how helpful they are they in the long haul depends on our mindful- ness and motivation. And we can become, with effort, more comfort- able with uncertainties. Here is where the Fish has the power to swim deeper, going into the fear. This road to sanity takes us beyond self-absorption. I, personally, suffer most when I am mired in The Land of My-Me-Mine. Sure, it’s great to be super sensitive, but when I am the only object of my great sen- sitivity, things can get pretty squirrel- ly, pretty fast. “I” helps “Me" when I can get beyond My Stuff. Hello! Then my awareness and action can go both inward and outward with the optimum grace. I can look in at my feelings and motivation with a gentle touch. Beating myself up is just another ego trip. “I’m the greatest” and “I suck” are both examples of self-absorption. In AA, they talk about becoming right size, neither Lifestyle. each designed with a unique theme. yard. I A Place To Find Peace of Mind, "And Share Your Interests -And Nestled on a quiet peninsula a stone’s throw from the Gulf of Mexico, these secluded cottages are Arranged for privacy around central courtyards, the cottages are fully equipped, and offer many amenities. Set on a working harbor, you’ll enjoy the manatees, dolphins and pelicans in your back- Take in the breathtaking sunsets when evening falls, and choose one of the nearby fine restaurants or grill out on the deck. Whatever your lifestyle, you'll enjoy the serentiy of these cottages, and you’ll want to return time and time again. “Iii” if E} E a.sr....~z,9ie...a..i/t.5}c.,.t.t Woman Owned and Operated (727) 397-7706 225 BOCA CIEGA DR. MADEIRA BEACH, FL 33708 wvvw.changingtidescottages.com info@changingtidescottages.com @t:W...,:ic..t...,z...t@.u.,,mar...a.,,.....;.s?../54.... superstar nor pariah. Meditation, contemplation and therapy are some ways we can look inward toward greater sanity. Then we can look out to action. We are now able to ask: How can I help in this moment? Can I be of service? We are presented daily with such opportunities. When we act for the benefit of others, when we are able, in a mindful way to be helpful, fears can melt away, we feel somehow happier, more spacious, free, con- nected and sane. Now is the time when we are supported in this saner way. This is the great and real bless- ing of the time ofThe Fish. V This is the last of this series. Thanks to all for your support. For more information about your astrological interest or concerns Contact me at gloglo@pocketmail.com or call at 802 434-3953. Happy trails! graphic design illustration N packagmg ' identity web design web marketing {I30 westvcanai Street, Suite 3 .~ -Vlfinooski, ‘Vermont 05404 e I 8021383-7679‘ ’ ' wvvw.'vtdesignworl