signing up to be on the listserv. For additional info and contacts, the in-progress—but-still-stylin' web- site can be perused at www.pride- Rocky Horror Help Theatre on a Shoestring is looking for a director, musical director, band, and costumer for a possible October production of "The Rocky Horror Show." Please send ' resume and references via email to or via snail mail to "Rocky", c/o TOAS, PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. Pay possible. TOAS is also gearing up for one of its biggest contests ever. Opened to only new and renewing paid members, begin- ning March 1 through June 30, this contest will send you flying! The contest is appropriately enti- tled "Start Spreading the News." Watch for the ad in next month's issue of OITM as well as on TOAS‘ website at www.the- $amara’s Got the Money 1 Samara Foundation is pleased to announce the 2004 granting guidelines. Grant applicants for 2004 must submit ajletter of intent postmarked by March 1, 2004. The Samara Grants Advisory Committee will conduct‘ an initial screening and then invite submis- sions of full grant applications to be postmarked by Apri|128, 2004. Year 2004 Samara Grants will be announced in June. For more information call the Samara office at 860.6236 or check out the grants section of our website at Samara Scholarships for '1 Year 2004 will be processed through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Samara Scholarships are listed in ' VSAC’s Scholarships (for the College Year 2004-2005). For a copy call 1-800-642-3177. Information about applying will also be included at www.sama-, along with a link to VSAC’s website, Applications must be postmarked ihary..Ceh. . V . _, _. . Cent§r0pen'House' a_ ,y.%.‘' E'ebrUary;.fl4fl1.'_2Q04, ,9AM~1’2PM_ 4 Oliver Wight i ~ ‘ V ' V: .E$S9X,‘Al|welcometccqmemeet ur staff D‘ orsandjradiologistsyveterirpa Ursa L - by April 1, 2004. The Samara Scholarship was established in 2000 as an investment in the _, - future of Vermont students who oppose discrimination and preju- dice and who stand for the elimi- nation of homophobia in our society. Transitions at Safespace Safespace is undergoing major changes in the New Year! We have said goodbye to Mike Bensel, our Victim A Advocate for the past two >>