For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglca|endar_index.htm Translating Identity ll Back by popular demand, Free To Be, the University of Vermont's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance is proud to announce the second annual Translating Identity Conference at the University of Vermont, February 28, 2004! Translating Identity is a FREE conference focusing on gen- der and gender identities. Open to the public, this event hopes to reach out to’ the University of Vermont, the Burlington communi- ty, and the nation as a whole to educate us all further about trans-7 gender issues. With multiple pan- els to choose from at any time, some panels will be directed ‘towards trans people and others will be for those who are fairly unfamiliar with the transgender movement and the topic of gender identity. This conference seeks to translate gender identity to both the queer community and its allies. This year our keynote speaker is Dean Spade, a trans- gender activist and attorney who compass received his J.D. from UCLA School of Law in May 2001. His own experiences of poverty, strug- gle with public benefits systems, and with gender identity discrimi- nation inspired him to start The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (www.srlp.orgfindex.html), a project committed to sexual and gender. self-determination for all people. This conference is FREE and includes breakfast and lunch. To reserve your spot, register today at ttfi £ssex:Veterinarv’center Seeiebruary 14th’ New P.R.|.D.E! New People! New Energy! New P.Fl.l.D.E.! Times are changing and so is P.R.l.D.E. — starting with a different date! P,Fi.l.D.E. festivities are scheduled for July 10th this year. We have high hopes to make the upcoming celebration bigger and better than ever before, and encourage all to come out and see P.Fl.l.D.E grow from its beginning! Meetings are open to everyone, and held the second and fourth Tuesday every month at UVM's Waterman building in room 427A. if you can't make the semi- monthly P.Fl.|.D.E. meetings, check out one of our sub-commit- tees: parade, waterfront, fundrais- ing, or media/advertisement. You can help out when you have time and be on your merry way! P.R.|.D.E. also needs help with upcoming mailings: This is a call for any willing stuffers, lickers, and sealers to come to the table! Good times are to be had by all! You can now get the lat- ’ est P.Fl.l.D.E. updates by going to our website and >>