he Chinese kite drapes its long, multi—colored tail around a beam, tethered to the ceiling in my apartment by a thumbtack. It has never been flown, this kite, but moves rest- lessly in vagrant drafts creeping under the door, tugging at its string. I imagine it dreams of open blue sky and Spring. Now it is February and I’m tugging too. I’m dreaming of leaving the four blankets on the bed, the layered clothing, heavy boots behind. I’m totally con- vinced Spring will never come again. Surely the drifts outside my window, towering over my head where the plow has deposit- ed them, are permanent. Green is the color of my longing. Blue is the sound of my desperation. This kite over my head is without sky and thus without use. Which makes me think of the poetic imagination. . Of what-use are the leaps my imagination provides? I begin with apples and arrive at the spaceship Challenger. I think of snow and wander to the Aegean Sea. No matter ifI’ve never seen, felt, heard or known, I can dream it into reality. Soon I am holding the kite's string, watching its flailing tail wrap around the wind, awed by height and distance. My legs are bare, my arms are brown, and the sun is hot against my back. _ This is the way I survive both winters and life. As long as I can dream, I am warm. The society we live in often silences us. Our very existence can be invisible. So I dream ofa world where exploring silences is a pri- mary occupation. Where I can get honest criticism if I am acting out in a way that is destructive to myself or anyone around me. Where I am encouraged to become my finest self, and take that imaginative leap where I can be what a kite was meant to be. V Lynn Martin is a poet, AIDS edu- cator, and writer who lives in Brattleboro. WALK IN TESTING HOURS AT FOUR SITES IN THE STATE, NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! Burlington 361 Pearl St. 802-863-2437 Monday: 4 pm-1 pm Montpelier 73 Main Street Suite 401 800-649-2437 Friday Feb. 6 and 20 2 pm-5 pm “WHAT I REALLY WANT FOR VALENTINE’S DAY IS FOR HIM TO GET TESTED” Rutland 21 South Main St. 802-775-5884 Wednesday! 10 am— 1 pm FREE ORAL ANONYMOUS TESTING AT VERMONT C St. lohnsbury 1235 Hospital Dr., Suite 2 802-748-9061 Wednesday 3 pm-6 pm TOLL FREE BURLINGTON NUMBER I-800-649-2437 ‘J 1/ - 9;‘ ’/x O 60* 6 (9/)\9fo/7 1/ _ ~ xt . 0 ’ r W at-Wzmmxvxggg tee. 9° Assoc:IA*x'1-;s,P<: ‘€67? 9 ~——--—--— at torn eye -—--—--«~—-- blackwood.|aw@verizon.net fa” 802'863'0262 Conoonlzoting in Employment, Special Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and nwdiafion. 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy ‘E6 ‘H1’ Iandg ‘Inn . 9.0. Box 118 Bethlehem, NH 03574 603-869-3978 1-877-LES-B-INN (537-2466) A LESBIAN PARADISE 100 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub - Tr-ails www.highIandsinn-nh.com vacationQhighlandsinn-nh.com Joseph Kress, M.A. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Individual and Couples Counseling 7Adults and Adolescents 802-334-6301 95 Main Street, Suite 203, Newport, VT