rrrrrrr! We enter mid-win- ter and we can now avail ourselves of the essence ofthe sun sign Aquarius. According to certain Native American thinking, the totem for Aquarius is the otter... an intelli- gent and playful beast clever, curious, and group oriented. The traditional viewpoint of astrology ' gives us the astronomical config- uration of the Water Bearer as the symbol for this time of year. Aquarius is a fixed sign, arriving in the middle of the sea- son. This usually brings a quality of wanting, or being comfortable with, what is. In the case of Aquarius, this looks like conser- vation in the best sense ofthe word. The truly conservative nature is able to look ahead to what will work over the long haul. The questions that come up in this area might be: How do llwe conserve thepeace, ho.w do we/I conserve resources, how do . we/l conserve or preserve friend- ships or a pair of hiking boots, integrity whatever is worth pre serving?? Good questions and for good answers we need to be able to look ahead at how this kind of attentiveness will benefit us and we need to be able to see the consequences of inatten- tion to conserving. The energy of the Water Bearer supports this kind of awareness. / Thinking ahead is sup- ported by this intelligent air sign. Historically, the Water Bearer is the one who carries the water supply for the entire ‘group. Water is both necessary and refreshing to the group. All of us have Aquarian energy and especially at this time of year, we are able to see and utilize what it is that each of us has to bring to the greater group. What can I bring to my group (family, community, world) . that is necessary and/or refresh- ing?? My patience? My sense of humor? My skill? My smile? Each of us has something that our group needs/wants. We each get to be the Water Bearer, especially now in this Aquarian time. Aquarius is, also, an air sign The air people have a th strong awareness of others and they think. Individuals of this sign are often thought to be ahead of their time for this very reason. To carry the water does not only, mean to bring the water container A. .. it also means to think about how to keep the water pure for those who come after us. This mid -winter time now promotes in each of us a desire to move with the group for the greater good. Wearenow most aware of the great iriipoirtance of theilgroup as wework for our vision of the _ future. For some of us it means helping out with the Dean cam- paign. For others it might look like volunteering for meals on wheels, forming coalitions, doing something together for all. Doing with other otters what we know we otter. This airy way of being has a challenging side, as well. It is easier, with Aquarius, to “love” the group. Expressing warmth on ‘a more personal level does not come quite so naturally but we can become more aware of how to do this as we notice how it feels when others are warm to us. Ultimately, in my opin- ion, the potential power of being able to love in a cooler, more uni- versal, and unconditional way is the greatest gift of the Aquarian moment. Now is the time when we are most likely to get a glimpse of this potent energy. V Glo Daley is an astrologer living on women is land in Huntington. BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO BUY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN TICKETS TO SEE MELISSA ETHERIDGE LIVE -VISH‘ WWW.M£Ll5$AETHERiDGE.COM VCR GAME RULES lllllltll llillllllllfitl TBVK8l'.Gffl'fl VERMONT VOICE FOR THE LESIMAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDE9. COMMUNWY