Diversity in Marriage? Today’s N YTimes says that Bush plans a 1.5 billion dollar effort to - protect "Sexual Diversity in Marriage" — that is, of course, not what he calls it. But I think this is what we should start calling it. It is clear that if the feder- al govemment is going to spend that much on this campaign against gay marriage, sexually diverse marriage must be in real trouble. Can you imagine anything that a relatively small batch of homosexuals who want to get married could do to the vaunted institution that would be worthy ofa 1.5 billion dollar tax- supported expenditure? And, if Bush figures (as I do) that 10 percent of that tax sup- ported funding comes from queer pocket books in the first place, this certainly is an interesting way to go into his election campaign. \ I think it is time for queers to start a $100,000-plus campaign to get out the word that every queer in the nationmust come out to every- one close to them. This would help make sure people who might press their representatives to vote for funding Bush’s pro—heterosexual marriage bill to vote on the other side ofthis issue. I guess my normally fairly apolitical self is becoming a whole lot more political as this man from Texas plays out all his cards. I guess what angers me the most is that he thinks he has a mandate to do all this stuff. Hopefully the folks who voted against him in the 2000 race will remember in November 2004 that the majority voted for an entire- ly different outlook. Bob Wolff Randolph Make the can Over 70 percent of Vermonters sup- port medical marijuana. Governor Douglas does not. His excuse is that it is illegal at the federal level. Reimportation of prescription drugs is illegal at the federal level, too, but because something is illegal does not mean that it is wrong. It was illegal to help slaves escape to free- dom, yet many helped. It was illegal for Rosa Parks to sit in the front of the bus, yet she did. We need to take the moral high ground, we need compassion for the sickest Vermonters, and we need to tell Governor Douglas that he should help S.76 pass through the House and sign it when it reach[es] his desk. Please, call the Governor at l-800-649-6825. Hardy Machia Grand Isle Care_About Language I was very pleased to see reviews of New Victoria Publishers’ three new books in the January Out In The Mountains. New Victoria is one of the few lesbian publishing houses left, as so many lesbian / feminist publishers and bookstores have closed their doors in the last three or four years. We rely on these reviews to get the word out about our books. I feel I need to respond, however, to the reviewer’s com- ments that we underestimate the intelligence of our readers, or that we don’t care about language. The copyof Sudden Loss of Serenity she received was what we call a “pre- pub copy” — an uncorrected proof we send out a few months before the book actually goes to the press. Many large review media require these, and won’t review the book if it is already published. I am sorry if that was not made clear to this reviewer. letters Although we are small and undercapitalized, we can afford to paya proofreader. The typos will certainly be corrected by the time the book goes to press. Beth Dingman New Victoria Publisher Norwich The publicity sheet we got with the book indicated an October 2003 release date, and since it was about that time we got the book, we assumed it was the finished product ' ~ hence the shock at the number of typos. The book was not marked as an uncorrected proof Thanks for the explanation. ~ Ed. ’ Correction Because the source was confused, so were we, but the R.U.l.2? annual fundraising dinner featuring NGLTF director Matt Foreman is on Saturday, April 10, not on Easter Sunday. Ieah wittenburg MERCURY IN TUNA IT'S A CAN OF WORMS Q I-crews ska (Q aoo 4