The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force (VFMTF) is elated that the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has affirmed the right of gay and lesbian couples to enter into civil marriage. The Massachusetts decision is a tremendous step fomrard. It recognizes the fact that civil rights are rights thatapply to ALL people. Since its inception, the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force has been committed to full and equal legal rights for gay and lesbian Vermonters including, in particular, the legal right to marry. We knew that Vennont’s historic Civil Union legislation was only a step on the long road to equality. We have approached the marriage issue as a long-term effort that will A continue to require work over a period of time. Cal Sahurz, abolitionist, soldier, states-nan, and writer, sa'd, “If you want to be free there is but one way; it is to guarantee an equally full measureof Iibertyto all your neighbors flhaeis no other. i Board members of the Vermont Freedom to Many. Task Force: Sheny Corbin, Chairperson; Laura Davidson, Beth Diamond, Judy Murphy, Keith Ribnick, and Nora Skolnick. 802-388-2633 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force - P.O. Box 481 - South Hero, VT 05486 3