»‘. ‘."'iV' liaisons for the Democracy Project of the Gill Foundation was held December 5-7 in Kansas City, MO. This is the second year of the proj- ect with 14 states currently partici- pating: VT, NH, MA, on, co, WA, OH. NC, MO, MN, M|,'|A, GA, and FL. The Democracy Project looks to increase civic involvement, build Organization capacity, and aid in the formation of collaborations. Sdditional 501 (c)3 organizations are e'”9 5°UQht to participate in these 14 states. For more information please see our web site at: http://wvvwgillfoundation.org/democ- racy or contact the Vermont State Liaison, Roland Palmer, at rfpvt@together.net for additional information and an application form. LGBTQ Visibility Day at the State House Join Equality Vermont , RU12? Community Center, and other GLBT organizations at the Vermont State House for Visibility Day on January 30th, 2004 from 8:00AM to 1:00PM. This day is an opportunity to edu- cate legislators about who we are and what our issues are for the leg- islative session. Make this Visibility “‘<"’>'~¥°»\!~I°.\'+wn~«~3< Day the best ever by helping us have the largest turnout of GLBT Vermonters. See our flier in this issueof Out in the Mountains for a complete schedule of Visibility Day events, and information on two bills of interest. Organizations will be able to set up displays in the Cardroom - (just outside the House Chambers) for the day. In the morning, Equality Vermont will host a legislative breakfast in the cafeteria, followed by an information workshop about the bills of concern to our community. sx~»~-nauamnnsnnuuouwanu-.a.-..~u.«w«:.‘¢..,-..-,.,.,_-,,,.,» We hope that you will be able to attend Visibility Day. It is important for legislators to hear from us. If you have any questions, or it your organization would like to set up a display, please call Virginia Henfrew at Equality VT - 802-496- 3345 ext. 2 or email at info@equali- tyvt.org Needle Exchange Schedule Burlington: Mondays-Fridays 1-5pm, The Green Mountain Needle Co-op, 275 College Street (entrance in back of building) 802-860-3567. .-to w-Awruu» an...‘ .-.a-.»e.,.r,,e ,. r..,»..n.,».,}.. *4. * ..*- .‘,.-‘ V J. Brattleboro: Tuesdays 6-9pm, Brattleboro Area Drop In Center, 60 ' South Main Street, 802-254-8263. St. Johnsbury: Wednesdays 3-6pm, Vermont CARES, 1235 Hospital Drive, Suite 2, 802-748-9061. Participation is anonymous. "Rainbow Family Programming at R.U.1 .2? Time and again, we hear from the community that you’d like to see more programming for >> a’