V\\\\ For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm .'VC,tV'3Pisa''!l3otf‘e:i_.ig*nl’Vi . The All-New PRIDE! New People! New Energy! New P.R.l.D.E.! It’s an exciting time; the P.R.l.D.E. Committee has already begun meeting to get the ball rolling on next year's pride festivities, ' scheduled to commence July 10th. We have high hopes to make the upcoming celebration bigger and better than ever before, and encour- age all to come out and see this P.R.l.D.E grow from its beginning! Meetings are open to everyone, and held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at UVM’s Waterman building in room 427A. ‘Our next meeting is January 13th at 7pm. We'll see you there! The current P.R.|.D.E. committee has recently broken down into sub-groups and are looking for more helping hands and warm bodies to join: the savvy fundraisers, crafty parade planners, spirited waterfront folks, and jedi advertisement/media sub. Good -times are to be had by all! For more info and contacts, the soon-to-be .sty|in’ website can be perused at www.pridevermont.org Getting Your Kicks lt’s getting colder outside, but we're t the Waitin Room Monda 1/19 compass warming up for winter soccer — inside. _ ‘ Work off those holiday calories — and have fun with other g/I/b/t soccer players (and no, we’re _ not all great soccer players — we just want to have fun kicking a ball around). . Come play with us in the gym at Seminary Hill School in West Lebanon. We're playing every Thursday from 8:15pm to 9:30pm. Bring a dollar: Lebanon Rec. charges one dollar per session. Please reply to Jim at jcmcc@val|ey.net if you need more details and directions. $amara.Foundation Gets Law School Award The Samara Foundation wasApre- sented with Vermont Law School's 2003 Simon Pearce Vermont Vanguard Award for supporting and strengthening Vermont’s gay, les- bian, bisexual and transgender com- munities through our continuing charitable work. This marks the first time the award has been given to a community organization. Executive Director Bill Lippert and Board President John Crane accepted the award at a car- emony in October. Vermont Law School President and Dean, L. Kinvin Wroth offered his congratula- tions: “Your efforts fully meet the all- terion of the award that it go to ‘a visionary member of the surround- ing community, whcse dedicated efforts in achieving equality before the law and furthering civil rights inspire action and respect by oth- ers."‘ Democracy Project at Work The annual meeting of the state _.nJ