HAVE A GAY FIRST NIGHT! First Night Montpelier 2004 is proud to present performers Janice Perry in Hol_vShiI:' Tule.s‘_fmm Heriiwi &HcII: Jason P. Lorber in Hm:-—'r.1m,’ Dam, a Mrrase ma‘! A Gay Rabbi Walk Into A Bar...; Suzi Wizowaty reading from her forthcoming novel. Joe/co; The San Gordon Band: Gabriel Q’s giant parade butterflies 58 peitormzlnces in all. Dance to Contra. l\'lezmer and At‘n‘c:iii bands. 3 differenfftiiik bands pius Jenni Joliiison & the iunlreteeis at our 3-hour diiiice party’. Coiiceits in jazz. cliissical. world. roots and more. lmzgic. storytelling. comedy. theater. chiltlreifs W()l‘l{.\‘l2()p.'s'. SK road race. intematioiial footlcoi1i'{. pzmicle, freworl