classifieds Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to classi- fieds @mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477,‘or fax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements V Women’s_ Art Plein Air is hosting ,a series of _ Women's Outdoor Outings this fall and winter in scenic Vermont _and New Hampshire, and_ uided by two women, _both _artis s and guides. Instruction will be avail- able. All mediums and levels of women artists are welcome. $60 pp. Locations TBA. Cat! Jean to reserve s ace and fur- ther details: 8 2-333-4858. (11/03 Employment was Pssataesas V VICTIM ADVO_CATES - Women’s Ra e Crisis Center Seeks PT taff. _ Evenings, Weekends. Experience with counseling or advocacy pre- ferred. Bilingual/Bicultural Candidates stron ly preferred. Resume by 11/1 : WRCC PO BOX 92 Burlington, VT 05402. People from diverse communi- ties encouraged to apply. (11/03) V Restaurant .Host / Evening _Mana e_r - Grounded, detail-oriente individual to oversee dining room service 3 or 4 nights per week, Wed. — _Sat. Experience with fine.din- into, flexible and eo le orient- e all +++. $15. 0/ r 8 Some ‘fips. 'l'ip To Café, White River Junction, T 802.295.4411. (11/03) . V Lookin to make some extra money . . Mountain Pride Media is |ooking_for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpridernediaorg. Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid._ Contact us today for more information. 802-434-5237 or ads@moun- Employment Vstasttary Pesttiests V _O|TM needs oul Mountain Pride Media, pub ish- er of Out In The Mountains, depends on community mem- _bers to help keep our paper out in the community) by asking you to volunteera ou an hour a month as a distribution volun- teer. it's easy and helps to keep the cost of producin and distributing our pa er own. F_Ml contact 802-4 4-6486 or circulation@mountainprideme- V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to et involved _ with a local LBTQ organization. You do make a difference! FMI: mpm mountainpridemedia.or g or c_ eck our Volunteeij Page: wvvvv.mountainpridemediaprg. V Fame (not fortune) Awaits! Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of_our community. We especially need peooleto interview oth- ers _on a opic, to _cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our communit from around the nation an the world. All interested glbtq Eersons are invited to contact uan Bear at editor@mountain ridemedi_a.o rg. We are a 501( 3 organiza- tion. There are_ no unds to pay content contributors (maybe someday). V Come join MPM board members, staff, ‘and other vol- unteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stufflng at the OITM _offic_e above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of_the month, you can help__get“the paper ready for mail_ing out to our community while visiting with old friends or _making new ones! The stuffino starts at 5:30 and lasts unti we are fin- ished (usually 3 hours)._ We provide pizza so please Join us! Check out the MPM Community ' Calendar on ‘ www.mountainpridemedia.or for exact dates. FM! Directions: circulation moun- t6aAirgié or 8 2-434- Groups V We are_starting a new rou_p in _Addison County for esbians interested in getting together‘ for social activities. Call Birgit in Middlebury at 388- 3489_for more information, or e-mail at_ We are interested in meeting you. (12/03) Real Estate Par ent V House for _rent in Whiting VT- minutes from Middlebury and the College. 40 minutes to _Rutland_ and Burlington. This unfurnished, one bedroom, _ bath P&B house _is bright and open, with 14+ private wooded acres, on a quiet dirt road. Sunny south facing deck and a storage shed. Perfect for one or two people, pets considered, extra cleaning deposit required. $1000 per month plus utilities. — Security deposit, credit check‘, and references re uired. Available November , call. 802-233-2940 or e-mail pon- der' for hotos and J? /03) p info. 11 V inexpensive Sta - Need a sleepover s ot in ? Extra room, private ath, indoor pool, exercise rooms. Sta with "Zoe" (802) 861-6000. ( 1/03) , V Beautiful _3 bedroom home in Ri ton, Just down the river from obert Frost's cabin, Breadloaf Campus and_ Middlebury Sn_ow B‘O\_N1'Skl Area. Full furnished with_fire- place, lo ,_cathedral ceilings walking trails, large_ ard an plenty of privacy. Avai able now May for $950 per month. Some pets are ne 0-. tiable, non-smokers only- all Karen at Land Middlebury 802- 388-1977. (1 /03) V Cute and convenient 3 bedroom home in_ East Middlebury. Well maintained inside and out with screened in porch, large yard and one bay attached‘ “garageit Available immediate! for year round rental at $ 95 per month. Pet free and smoke free. Call Karen at Land Middlebury 802- 388-1977. (1 /03) V_Absolute|y orgeous, fully furnished, 2 be room, 2 bat home_ on Lake Champlain. Unbelievable mountain and water views from large win- dows and fabulous decks. Kitchen is a chef's dream, open floor plan-A throughout with radi- ant heated floors and jacuzzi tub in master bath. Available now through Ma . Pet free and smoke free. $1 00 er month. Call Karen at Lan iddlebury 802-388-1977. (1 /03) V "Cabin in the Woods." Romantic. Secluded. Private. For only 2 peo l_e this five r_oor_n ’ fully furnishe idyllic cabin is your haven to forget about the world. Rooms include: Deep soaking_ tub for 2, cozy fire- place with couch to c_url upon urnished kitchen, king-sized bed that looks out into the trees._ A place to _have your cel- ebration, _civil union ceremony, re-commitment or wedding here on ample lawn_s stretchin down to a soothing c sta clear b_rook. Honeymoon ere. A special get-away! There is a swimming hole, 86' waterfall and gorge, u_iet dirt roads to walk and icycle, endless acres of _beautiful_ forest in which to give the mind pause. |n_B.ridgewater, Vermont. 2Day Minimum. Not open for winter season. -Taking reservations for Sprin and Summer. -_Good time‘ _to -p an your civil union or e I _ etawa . 882061325141 9 y id-life seeks professional/grad stu- dent to share rent of 3 bed- room 1 1/2 bat_h townhouse. Near_ park and bike paths. On bus-line. Quiet household. No smoking.0ONo pets. Available it's not! grad student now. $ /month plus 1/2vuti|- ities. Call 802 - 658-7987. (11/03) Services _ VA new counseling sen/ice in Barre, VT, provides respect- ful and non- udgmental therapy and co_unse ing to the gay, les- bian, bisexual and transgender communities. Serving individu- als, co_uples, and families. Most insurance accepted. Evenin hours available. Contac Glen McClintock, . LICSW. Licensed Independent - Clinical ocial Worker) at (802) 479-0164. (1/04) V C_ivil Un.io_n Ceremonies - Interfaith Minister, Rev. M. Anne Clark, will help you cre- ate your special day specifical- ly for ou both, tuning in to your belie_s yourdreams and our s ecial love for each oher. all (802 86176000 _or write revanne . Also see wvvw.weddingof- (11/03) h ".3 hode ‘flied ’ -‘ checite} The A. Wish 8005:! Did you? GRANNIS GALLERY “Fine Qolo Offering the collections of Contemporary Jewelry artists; _ M—Th 81 Sat 10-6 I Fri 10-8 OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 Church St. & Bank - 660-2032 ‘ Events Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 J