To announce an event in our m - - ea onthly calendar, e-mail it to, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. AIDS Project Elects New Board Member The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont is proud to announce the October election of Mary Zabriskie, GNP, to its Board of Directors. Mary joins the Board after many years of collaboration with the AIDS Project in . her role as the nurse practitioner at the Comprehensive Care Clinic at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. At the Comprehensive Care Clinic, Mary served people with HIV/AIDS and coordinated the Clinic's HIV counsel- ing and testing. She stepped down- frcm that position in 2002 to pursue Melissa? Ferrlck at.UVM's Billings Student Center, s3_turda_y 22 mediation studies. Mary possesses both a passionate commitment to the Project and first-hand experience working with persons living with HIV/AIDS. We look fonlvard to work- ing with her in this new role. Board members at the AIDS Project are elected to an initial two-year tenn. They may be re- elected for up to six years of service. The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont is a regional AIDS service organization that provides direct services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and HIV prevention servic- es to those at most risk in Windham, V compass Bennington, and southern Windsor counties. Founded by volunteers in 1988 as a grassroots, community based group, the AIDS Project now fills an important statewide role in making sure that Vermont1s fight against the AIDS epidemic is strong and effective. For information call 802 254 8263. 1t-ansgender Day of Remembrance The fifth annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (T DOR) on Nov. 20th, 2003 will be observed in downtown Burlington for the second year in a I now. The aim of the planned observa- tion is to both memorialize those who have been killed as a consequence of anti-transgender hatred or preju- dice, and to celebrate transgender lives. This year's observation includes three events, all in down- town Burlington: a Candlelight Vigil at 6 P.M. on the steps of City Hall, a visibility walk at 6:30, and an Indoor Program at Contois Auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. We invite you to attend and participate in any or all of these Nov. 20th. 2003 Remembrance Day events. For more infonnation about november 2003 events in Burlington, please contact ~ Kate at 865-9677 or kate@out-’ For more information about TDOR events worldwide and ; to learn about the history of TDOR please visit www.rememberingour- . '- GILEARN at Tip To? _ Claire Robson, a NH writer w o’s getting rave reviews for her new lesj bian memoir, Love in Good Time. will be hosting a hands-on writing work- ‘ shop on gay memoir, and reading from her new book, on Sunday, November 9th, from 3-5:30pm at the ‘rip Top Cafe, 85 N. Main Street in i