BY KENDRA HENSON-STROUD ‘ ‘ ussy crack corn and l don’t Pcare.“ Uni\'ersit_\' ot'Vermont's Patrick Gymnasium had to plug its virgin ears on October 9th when comedian Margaret Cho paid our lovely Green Mountain state a visit. The show was a stop on the Cl It) Revolution tour. coincided with UVM"s cele- bration ol‘National Coming Out I)ay. and was sponsored by the Department ol'Student Life and the First Year lixperience Diversity Committee. Cho attracted a packed g_\'mnasium ot'heter_os and homos of all shapes. colors. eth- nieities and abilities. Margaret had a little bit of something for everyone and then some! The “pussy” line recurred throughout the show with dilTerent actions — something Cho said she picked up from a visit to Southeast Asia. walking past a brothel with a pitehman calling out what the prostitutes inside would do (“Pussy eat banana!“). As alwa_\'s. Cho took something ol‘l‘ensi\e and crass and made it uniquely hers. sending it up in her inimitable wa}. Comedian Bruce Daniels. who stars in the shon “Grocery Store“ on lVlargaret‘s Notorious C.l l.O. video. was the show opener. telling tales ol‘ his well-meaning |'riendsC' racism. He has. he said. a whole lot ol‘At‘ro- centric art. all of it given to him by white friends. ()ne guy approached him sa_\ ing. “Yo. dude! Yo. du-ti-ude!" Daniels" response: "l’irst of all. _\ou're o\‘er 30 and }ou don't get to say ‘dude’ any more." Cho. sporting short shorts topped with a 6-inch-wide blue and white belt. said she had spent the day before the show‘ shopping in town. hitting stores like the Sox Market in the mall and Old Gold (which she raved about — the source of the belt ~ and said she would actually consider moving here for that alone). She and Bruce had also spent part ol‘ the day at Dean‘s campaign headquarters where as airways. mm was aamattiaéag afiaméaa aad mass aafi maria és aaéaaaégr tears. madam §% am as firms fiaémfiaaata way. they bloggcd in support ot' Dean. lvlargaret was clear that out olithe Democratic choices. she liked [)ean the best and \\ as especially unim- pressed with Kerr_\‘ whom she had met pre\ i- ousl_\' and considered boring (loud snorcs from both Cho and Daniels). l)ressed in a red UVM 2003 t-shirt. Cho took hold ot‘ the audiences‘ minds and stretched them like silly p_utt_\ into the realm oi‘ the perverse. disgustingl_\' bi/.arre world that we all know about. but are too polite to discuss. Not at all sh_\‘ about discussing topics like sex. queer culture. eating disorders. bodily lunc- tions. separation ot‘ church and state. and cultur- al scnsiti\‘it_\ gone awr_\. (‘ho rocked the audience with the kinds ol‘ stories one cannot easil_\ forget (the >,; Pretenders‘ "Brass in Pocket" w ill ne\ er be heard quite the same again). Members ol'l|VM"s l~'rce to Be l.(ilS l'QlA group were a \cr_\ \isiblc presence at the show. (‘ho noticed them right aw a_\' wear- ing militar} latigues sitting in the front row. and thanked them for" being so out and w onderliil. (‘ho l11t)\ ed smoothly bct\\een queer culture jokes noting that lesbians haxe such a keen sense ot'dircction since their \aginas are equipped with built in (’)n-Star s_\ stems. to ph}sicall_\‘ and \erbal|_\ illustrating a llight attendants worst nightmare while serving the Asian American (‘ho the airline‘s xcrsion ol‘ "Asian" chicken salad ("M3 people use lvlandarin orange slices and crisp) \\onton crunchies! This is not the salad ol‘ m_\ peo- plel"). " (‘ho was passionate about encouraging people to speak tip to injustices. She exclaimed that the countr} is so fucked up because ol'the people running it. and not because ol"thc people in it. She declared that the l)t)MA act denies lesbian and ga_\ Americans 1.04‘) ci\ il rights. and that _\es she is atraid ol‘ terrorism. but she is more alraitl ol' the Patriot Act. and that silence equals uon-e\is- tence. ('ho's website \\\\\\ is home to her dai|_\ blogs. charged with her insights into topics such as the Vatican discour- aging people from wearing condoms. ps_\ cho- logical terrorism. Queer l-',_\e tor the Straight (iu_\. ga_\ marriage. the end o|‘the world. etc. (‘ho and Daniels held a quick Q.& A session at the end ol'the show and linished with a rap about the crapp} state of health care and health insurance in our countr) it was dillicult to undcrstand'the l_\rics to it. but I rcall_\ w antcd to. I asked (‘ho a couple otiqucstions immediatel_\ following the pertornianee. (‘ho had mentioned during the show how wonder|'ul it is that Vermont lrecogni/.es and allows ga_\ marriage and how it's complctcl_\ ridiculous that it‘s the on|_\ state in the nation that does I asked what she thought otmarriage as an insti- tution and she said she thinks marriage is "beautiful in that it represents equalit_\ for the communit). It is equalit} on paper and too cairt legislate moralit). but _\ou can equa|it_\." I asked her how she would continue to support Dean. and she said she had blogged for him earlier and that she would possib|_\ con- tinue support that w a_\. ("ho said she blogs now on a dull} basis —- her blogs are what comes to her in the moment ~ and she considers it "a dit- lerent 1) pc of performance." (‘ho is taping the ''('I It) Retolution" tour and hopes to ha\c a new \ ideo out some- time nc.\t _\ear. V Keml/‘u /lwI.von-.S'Imm/ is (III (I\‘/(/ ('/in or//n//‘e/' (Inn 110! .\'tu//as/v uml /1/.s‘(t't/ q/{er her red I 'l ill I-.\‘/Ill‘/, tr/'//mul ma‘ /llL'/\'. S/Ia umlpc/rl/Io/' .\/u.\' IIwmo/1—.\'//‘()1/t/. u/)/mlogru/2/ie/1 live in /ii//‘Ii/Iglu/1. Margaret Cho performing at UVM’s Patrick Gym in October