‘ ‘ h Death, where is thy sting?” Along comes Scorpio, and with it, ample opportunity to contemplate this question. The time: October 23rd to November 21st. The issues: change, change, change, and death. The symbolo- gy: the scorpion, the snake and the eagle. Not exactly party time. That was last month and, per- haps next month. For now we can call on the image of the eagle as we dive into a deeper knowing", the eagle being the symbol of Scorpio’s most evolved potential. We may -now be able to soar above our materialism and self-orientation powered by the wings of our own true inner nature, our basic good- ness. . Getting there, in this The snake grows until it dies, and the shedding of it’s skin represents death and rebirth. case, is not necessarily half the fun. As tiny scorpions, we may be fearful of being overpowered, giving us a tendency toward defensiveness. Sure, we can be brave and fearless if it wasn’t for the fact that all those jerks out there are making our lives diffi- cult and threatening to squash us at every turn. Of course we have to be defensive. We could die. ~ We could and we will and we do. Enter the snake. This I I critter symbolizes death and rebirth. Yearly, every snake sheds its skin. This process is notwith- . out pain and fear. As the snake works to free itself of its old skin it goes through periods of being unable to see. Scary. Nevertheless there is no turning back. In spite of fear, dis- comfort and irritation the job must be done. Why? Because the snake never stops growing. It grows until it dies. This shedding of the skin represents death and rebirth. Like the snake shedding, there is no way to avoid this. We may hope for the status quo, we ’ may struggle against having to change and grow, but we only create more pain for ourselves in the process. . ‘ It is mid-fall, the trees are losing their leaves, our glar- A dening season is over, some ‘ani- mals migrate or hibernate. We celebrate All Souls Day, the Day of the Dead,’ Halloween all reminders of the truth of impermanence. We could easily fall into" depression at this time. We can benefit greatly from contemplat- ing death. But we don’t have to let it overwhelm us. Remembering that we all die can take us up to the heights of the eagle, Where.we can, with sharp eyes, see a greater picture. There is a tempta- tion at this time to be discour- aged,_to sink into the depths. As usual there is always a choice. We could let death remind us that, at this moment, we are alive. '. There is a scene from the Canadian fihn In the Company of Strangers in which several old women are lost when their bus breaks down miles from civilization. In their wisdom they make the most of the situation, fully living as they await rescue. At one point in the film, as they stand out in the morning fog, they simply begin shouting in unison: “We’re alive! We’re‘ ‘ alive!” It seems they may be doing this in an effort to. be heard and saved, but we also see how ‘ their crisis has brought them to ' greater vitality, and they do seem to be seeing clearly how truly alive they are. There are mornings when I remember to use them as role models, waking up to the thought: I’m Alive! I’m Alive! This time of Scorpio can bring us to this understanding. We are alive, we can cheer up and go beyond irritabili- ty and despair. Like the snake, we grow, we are bigger, we are fresher. Weneed not suffer in V self-absorption. We are part ofa larger community. With effort and courage we can join with others, sharing our talents and our joy. , I’ll share my favorite Scorpionic quip: “Hey, you have the rest of your life to be a jerk, why not take, a break.” V Glo Daley is an astrologer living on women ’s [and in Huntington. Butchly cont‘d from previous page _ white ones only become femme when they take on the personali- ty of the recipient, not their cre- ator. The tuitle critter I made for a friend is at the very least a soft butch turtle. A woman can’t do ' everything, but I seem to try. Tomorrow I’ll be up on a ladder, repairing my gutter before I put some time in on the afghan. And it’s okay that I’m not making applesauce this year — my girl is ‘ making plenty. She may have to come help me with the gutter too. V Copyright Lee Lynch 2003. Lee Lynch is the author of eleven b.00kS including The Swashbuckler and the Morton River Valley Trilogy. She lives on the Oregon Coast.‘ S 0 m C T O 5»:.2un'ds::'ti<;;zi of vae-rm-7;~.é The Samara Foundat ermont is a charitable foundation , ose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesblan,_ bisexual, and‘ transgendered communities ‘today and build an endowment for tomorrow. G0 . ' xi r 0 ’ " M msvi/<>.......9..I2 a863, 06., 9,0 Assqggzgggs, PC 957, 9 blackwood.|aw@verizon.net fax: 802'863‘0262 Concentrating in Employment, Spechl Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and mediation.