1 WILB «Ly QUARTO » HQ . .0971 y" . l 4 , VEiRMON'I§'S,VOlCE FOR THE LiESBlAN,‘ GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY I OutforDean, Dykes for Dean biliz , l l.GBTQs in Presidential Campaign BY EUAN BEAR‘ Governor Howard Dean’s presidential cam- paign is rolling. For nearly a year now, he has been traveling the country, greeted with standing ovations at gay pride celebrations and other lgbt gatherings.iAt least two intemet- ’ based organizations — OutforDean.com and Dykes for Dean, a Yahoo group — are mobiliz- ing gays and lesbians to become active in his campaign and to donate early and often. Neither organization is an official affiliate of V the Dean for America campaign. Out for Dean’s Chris Cooper is part of the team that in their spare time maintains the OutforDean.com website and organized house parties on National Coming Out Day, October 11. Dean connected with those attend- ing the panies by conference call that night. The lgbt campaign organization is the 29-year-old Cooper’s first foray into politi- cal activism. “I stumbled into activism by doing it. If you want something changed, you get up and do it.” _ Cooper, based in Washington, D.C., and Jan Cadoret, the prime mover behind the San Francisco-based Dykes for Dean, fielded some questions about their organizations and what Howard Dean’s,candidacy means to them. Out For Dean was founded by David‘ inside out: this issue’s contents VCARightsatRisk D. 8 Terminator’s staff picks threaten new domestic partnerships law. a yearbefore the election; ‘andfonnerb A A I V When I’m 64 p. 9 Vermont elder housing staff are mostly clueless about queer seniors. ’ Mariner in April 2003, “before the bubble” of media attention and fundraising success put Howard Dean on front pages across the coun'- . Cooper, -a media/public relatioiis specialist for the American Planning A_ssociation, a non- profit public interest and research outfit, joined within the first month. “I found myself yet again screaming at the TV news, wondering why the rest of the country couldn’t see— the insanity I was seeing,” he said. V “I researched the candidates and made a practical decision to support the one who is most in line with my beliefs and could pass the electability laugh test. Howard Dean was the one,” Cooper explained. He admitted that he did not agree with every stand Dean has taken, citing Dean’s position on the death \ penalty as an example, “but I’ve been able to _ witness the process he takes to get to his posi- tions, and I can respect that process.” At this point, Cooper said, “I can’t just be a passive observer, and politics becomes an exercise in persuasion. We "need to take electability back from the right wing.” Jan Cadoret, a 47-year-old carpenter- V One Diaper at a Time p. 10 Scott Sherman is changing the world, and his self-image,’ innkeeper-website builder-intemet matchmaker, founded Dykes for Dean on August 6, 2003. . ‘fDean—w_as rising up in the polls, and I had par-p _ ticipated in ‘t'he"MoveOn.oi'g pol]. Ilthouglit I was picking an underdog, and then he came out with 43 or 44 percent. I thought, ‘Oh my god, other people are supporting him too!’” When Cadoret looked at a break- down of the support for Howard Dean among the gay and lesbian community, it was about two to one men. “Lesbians tend to gravitate to stuff for women. Dykes for Dean was a way ' for me to promote him to my peers.” Cadoret said that she had “never cared about politics” before the current cam- paign. “But I’ve been bitching about Bush for so long. When Dean speaks, I get the feeling that he’s a real guy. Dean is head and shoulders above the rest of the [Democratic] candidates.” _ Out for Dean contacted Cadoret within a week of her organization’s founding to ask whether she would become an associate. “Out for Dean was pretty clear that they didn’t want to just be a bunch of gay white guys,” Cadoret said. She agreed to associate, but by being a dad. V. 111e Cho-sen One p. 19 Sexy “revolutionary” cracks up a crowd at UVM declined a closer tie. As of mid-October Dykes for Dean 'had..l76 members nationwide with a distribu- tion ‘rhmugh.~27 states'— ‘ii‘icludi'rig'*Veririorit~— and Washington, D.C. Out for Dean ha_s chap- ters in 24 states and Washington, DC. There is currently no chapter of Out for Dean in the candidate's home state of Vermont, though Cooper maintained that lgbts in the missing states are involved in a state or city chapter of Dean’s official campaign organization. ‘ “With Dean as a candidate, there is no way that the Democrats — and our commu- nity — can run from this issue [lesbian and gay equa1ity],” Cooper said. Cadoret’s National Coming Out Day Dykes for Dean house party hosted 40 women with 14 volunteers and a six-piece Dixieland band (three lesbians, three gay men, all Dean supporters, according to Cadoret). The party raised $1,000 for the Dean campaign and was in on a nationwide conference call with the candidate. Cooper's Washington, DC NCOD - I party had registered the largest amount in online campaign pledges by rriidnight on the Thursday before, so he was given one of two “guaranteed” question slots for the conference call. He and his party-goers decided to dedicate their question to transgender issues.- _ “During his initial comments about lgbt equality, Dean recalled continued on p. 3 News 1-3 Editorial 4 Letters 5 Features 6, 8-13 Views 14 - 18 Arts 1 9-20 Calendar 22 Community Compass 22 The Source 25 Classifieds '28 Gayity 29 444444_44444