classifieds Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to cIassi- ‘ lieds@mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477, or tax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements V The.13th Edition of the Black & Blue Festival will welcome tourists from all over the world to its series of events October 8-14 in Montreal, QC. The BBCM Foundation presents the Black & Blue Festival, an internationally renowned even. For the festival's thirteenth annual edition, some 50 artistic, cultural, sports and social events will mobilize 85 000 peo- ple-including tens of thousands of affluent gay tourists from every comer of the globe-during the week leading up to Thanksgiving and throughout the long weekend, which coincides with Columbus Day in the U.S.A. Individual tickets for the Black & Blue main event at the Olympic Stadium (regular and VIP individual tickets) and some other major festival dance events are available via the Admission Network at or phone: CANADA 1-800-361- 4595, USA 1-800-678-5440, EUROPE 1-514-790-1245. For more information on the BBCM Foundation, the Black & Blue Festival or for VIP passes covering many different events, visit the BBCM web site at or contact us at (514) 875-7026 or (1 0/03) V The Barony of AH Vermont and Baroness IV Ariel Invite you to Investitures I ''All Hallows Eve" on November 1, 2003 in Brattleboro at the Quality Inn & Suites. Cocktails at: 7PM, Hors D'oeuvres served, Show at 8PM. Admission: $25. To benefit: Aids Project of Southern Vermont. FMI: barony- - Barony humnbrdImh@adel- - Baroness IV Ariel V Social gathering, for LGBT Democrats. Sunday October 19, 2-5 pm. at the home of Marty Rouse in Richmond, Vermont. All LGBT Democrats welcome — we'd like to connect, and this real- Iy is a social occasion, not a cam- paign event. Please contact Marty for directions and details: phone 802-434-5566; email marty- rouse@ao|.com. (10/03) V Community Friends Mentoring Program. Ride bikes, pick pumpkins, go sledding, play cards. Share your interests and time with a child in a fun, support- ive big buddy relationship. Contact the Community Friends Mentoring Program now to schedule an inter- view and secure a slot for the next fall training. The Community Friends Mentoring Program is a program of the Baird Center for Children and Families, a division of the Howard Center for Human Services. Please call 651-7064 for more information. (10/03) V Women’s Art Plein Air is hosting a series of Women's Outdoor Outings this fall and win- ter in scenic Vermont and New Hampshire, and guided by two women, both artists and guides. Instruction will be available. All mediums and levels of women artists are welcome. $60 pp. Locations TBA. Call Jean to reserve space and further details: 802-333-4858. (11/03) V Metropolitan Community Church Worship Services begin 2 PM Sunday, 5 October 2003 at RU12? Center in Burlington. Metropolitan Community Church is a denomination with a special min- istry with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender com- munity where everyone is wel- come. MCC began in a living room in Los Angeles on 5 October 1968, 35 years ago. Help us cele- brate by attending worship with us on this anniversary. The MCC group that has conducted several community forums in Vermont to discern the location for a congre- gation has found that there are sufficient numbers of LGBT com- munity members in Greater Burlington and the surrounding area to begin services. At first services will be held every other Sunday at RU12? Center. As attendance is determined, the con- gregation will move to larger quar- ters and services will be held each Sunday. Sunday afternoon has been chosen because of its appro- priateness for Wintertime driving. Dates of MCC Services for the remainder of 2003 are as follows: 5 & 19 October, 2, 16 & 30 November, 14, 28 December. Please join us for worship this fall. For information call 802 728 7071 « or (10/O3) Employment. Pate Pesabcns V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for .part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly news- paper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpride- Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more infor- mation. 802-434-5237 or Employment etetsastaty fisstficas V OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on com- munity members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volunteer about an hour a month as a distribution vol- unteer. It's easy and helps to keep the cost of producing and distribut- ing our paper down. FMI contact circulation@mountainprideme- or 802-434-6486. V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individ- uals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a differ- ence! FMI: mpm@mountainpride- or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountainprideme- dia.org_. V Fame (not fortune) Awaits I Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to inter- view others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to con- tact Euan Bear at editor@moun- We are a 501©3 organization. There are no funds to pay content contributors (maybe someday). V Come join MPM board mem- bers, staff, and other volunteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stufiing at the OITM office above . the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of the month, you can help get the paper ready for mailing out to our com- munity while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We provide pizza so please join us! Check out the MPM Community Calendar on for exact dates. FMI & Directions: cir- cu|ation@mountainpridemedia.or g or 802-434-6486. “ Groups V We are starting a new group in Addison County for lesbians interested in getting together for social activities. Call Birgit in Middlebury at 388-3489 for more information, or e-mail at We are interested in meeting you. (12/03) Real Estate Fer em V Vlfinooski apartment - Power, heat, & hot water are included. Recently remodeled - new paint, new gas stove, and refrigerator. Coin-op laundry and off street parking. One to two bedroom - $900 to $1000 \ month. Pets TBD. 802-383-5406 —ORC Property Mgt. V “Cabin In the Woods." Romantic. Secluded. Private. For only 2 people this five room fully furnished idyllic cabin is your haven to forget about the world. Rooms include: Deep soaking tub for 2, cozy fireplace with ouch to curl upon, furnished kitchen, king- sized bed that looks out into the trees. A place to have your cele- bration, civil union ceremony, re- ‘commitment or wedding here on ample lawns stretching down to a soothing crystal clear brook. Honeymoon here. A special get- away! There is a swimming hole, 86’ waterfall and gorge, quiet dirt roads to walk and bicycle, endless acres of beautiful forest in.which to give the mind -pause. In Bridgewater Vermont. 2 Day min. 802.672.5141 V Lovely house for rent in Woodbury, Vermont — 20 miles from Montpelier. Two bedroom (plus) farmhouse with pond, estab- Iished flower gardens, vegetable garden, screen house and 13 acres of woodlands. House comes furnished, plus washer/dryer, dish- washer and gas fireplace. Available November 1 for year lease. $1000 p/month plus utilities. FMI: Call 802 472 8649 or e-mail (1 0/03) V Inexpensive Stay - Need a sleepover spot in VT? Extra room, priv bath, indoor pool, exercise rooms. Stay with "Zo_e" (802) 861- 6000. (11/03) V Lesbian Woman looking for house with barn in Southern Vermont to rent or rent with option to buy. I have two horses. Will take pride in home. If anyone has any information on any, please e-mail : V I'm a GWPM looking for a room to rent in the Waterbury area. Non smoker, non drug user, professional male looking for a clean, quiet home. 334-3048 (10/03) George (802) V House to share in Hartland VT. Available early November. GWM age 57 has house share available for M/F G/S. Quiet rural setting. Pets welcome. Vlfill have own bedroom, share bath and kitchen.30 minutes to Hanover/Lebanon area. N/S. $ 375.00/mo Please call 802-436- 2104 (h) or 802-436-2444 (w) V Shelburnez Individual .to share spacious 2 bdrm. apt. 3 porches, great view of bay/walking distance. Avail. now. $575/mth. incl. heat & water. Iv. Message 578-5426. (10/03) V Stable, loving lesbian couple has a room to rent. Complete house privileges. Lg bedroom, nice porch, lg backyard with screenhouse. Nice residential area with off street parking. N/S - preferred but negotiable. Also 1 comes with onedog and a cat at 3' no extra charge I $375.00 / mo i plus 1/3 utilities. Please call (802) , I 527-7931 12 pm - 8 pm daily. V GWPF seeking GF or possi- ble GM to share a room in my home in Charlestown, NH. Large room (15x30 approx), back entrance, common, yet personal‘ bathroom, off street parking, access to kitchen, dining and living areas. Room is already wired. for cable and phone. Many more advantages. Rent negoti_able pending all included or shared util- ities. Nice area, easy commute to Dartmouth or Brattleboro area,5 minutes off of I-91. Call 603-826- 3313. (10/03) Services e V Custom Critter Care: Housel Plant / Pet‘ Sitter/Domestics / Exotics / Horses. Many Years of Experience, References Reasonable Rates. Within 50 miles of Rutland, VT. Call 802.345.9257 (10/03) V Civil Union Ceremonies - Interfaith Minister, Rev. M. Anne Clark, will help you create your special day specifically for you both, tuning in to your beliefs, your dreams and your special love for each other. Call (802) 861-6000 or ‘write revanne@weddingof- sou| Also see wvvw.weddin- gofsou| (11/03) V Services: Lynn Reardon. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Licensed Alcohol and; Drug Counselor. 802-786-6992. 67 Grove St. Rutland, VT 05701 Workshops I Ccsi s V Inner Walk Institute proudly presents: Walking the Beauty Way — An Examination of the Inner Path to Spiritual Enlightenment. November 1-2, 2003. Black Bear Inn and Conference Center. For registration Information, please call: (207) 827-2821 or e-mail us: Innenivalkinst@ao|.com. "Awe enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the Divine, to sense in the small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and sim- ple; to feel in the rush of the pass- ing the stillness of the eternal.’ AJH. Please join us for a dynamic exploration of the Teachings of Jesus, Buddha, and Native - American Spirituality. Workshops ' Include: Native American Spiritual Philosophy; Zen Yoga, Movement & Chanting; Shamanism; Energetic Alternatives to Healing; Jesus: New look at Ancient Teachings . Meditations; >