We're looking for distribution volun- teers,board members, committee _ members and project coordinators. You can make a difference! Sins Your Heart out: The Samadhi Singers, Vermont's °"'Y GLBTQ chorus, is looking for new members. We meet every Sunday from 5-7 at Christ Church P"°5'3Yterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. Please call Alison at 658- 5313 for information. °°"'°°m=vProiectviem Results The Gill Foundation's Democracy :_ Project is a non-partisan, non-ideo- logical effort to increase participation in the democratic process. The pro- ject's primary goal is to help state- level organizations sewing the |es- I bian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).community build a voter file of people who support LGBT equality — regardless of their own sexual on- entation or gender identity. The multi-year project involves list _ enhancement and specialized train- ing within selected states to assist , LGBT organizations'GOTV (get-out- the-vote) efforts. _ The Democracy Project piloted the list enhancement program in sevenistates in 2002. Those states were New Hampshire, Vermont, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Colorado, and Oregon. The seven additional states chosen for inclusion in 2003 are Iowa, Ohio, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina and Washington State. The goal is to maximize democratic‘ participation by members of stakeholder organiza- tions and their households.‘ The Democracy Project held its 2nd annual training session on September 10 in Winooski. Seven Vermont LGBT organizations are participating in the project for the second year. Roland Palmer was elected for the second year as the Vermont State Liaison for the proj- ect. Organizations interested in par- ticipating in the Democracy Project can contact Roland at rfpvt@togeth- er.net or 802-383-7679 (weekdays). Barony of All VT Adore: Adomment It is now October. and Adomment is over and the final totals for the Barony's biggest fundraising event of the year are in! Adornment is a three-day final party of the reigning Monarch, culminating with the crowning of the new Monarch. This year's Adomment was the most successful of the past three years. About 150 people representing 12 Courts from as far away as Long Beach, CA. Toronto, Canada, south to Lexington, KY and many places in between cel- ebrated with me, Baron ll Kristoff. as I stepped down and welcomed ' Baroness IV Ariel. The beneficiaries for this year's event were Mountain Pride Media and Fl_U12? Community ‘ Center. It was with great pleasure that I presented each organization a check for $836.35. > >