ibran energy has arrived, ' Land with it come the colors of fall in Vermont so thrilling to the Libran spirit. From around September 23rd to October 22nd, we live within the parameters of Libra and it can be a very sweet, fun, and warm realm, indeed. Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinal means it begins a season, in this case fall. Air means well, air i.e., light, breezy, refreshing, etc., etc. Get as literal as you wish in playing with this element. The cardinal times often bring us increased creativity '... the message being ‘‘let's. get started,” “let's make something new.” For Libra, beauty is everything, be it inter- nal or external. The chant of the day might be: “Now I walk in Libra is ruled by Venus. She wants beauty, W she wants peace and she definitely . wants to have fun. beauty. / Beauty is beforeme. / Beauty is behind me. /Above and below me.”_ ‘At this time we may be drawn to beginning (not neces- sarily finishing) creative projects of all sorts. Our minds are more likely to work in original and creative ways. This is a happy balance to the current Mars ener- gy we have been feeling as Mars has been so close to the earth of late. Libra is ruled by Venus. Shelwants beauty, she wants peace and she definitely wants to have fiin. She also wants justice, - a beauty of a deeper nature. We too will experience these desires during this time. We can become more creative in how we view the issues of peace and justice. It can become quite personal as we begin to notice with more clarity how we, as individual members of our community, are or are not playing a part in creating peace in our daily lives. For fiirther inspiration and clarity along these lines. read Thich Nhat Hahn's “Being Peace.” Questions may arise. “What is my responsibility?” “If peace begins with me, how do I maintain a peaceful mind?” “What is just or unjust in my‘ home and community?” “Do I promote peace in my communi- cations and interactions?” The symbol in conven- tional astrology for Libra is the scales. This is the only symbol in the zodiac that doesn’t have eyes. Justice needs to be blind in the sense of going beyond preju- dice and superficiality and yet a broad vision is required. From Native American astrology we have the raven or crow as Libra’s totem. These birds fly just high enough to have a broader view, a perspec- tive that goes beyond an either/or mentality. From the raven's height there is an under- standing that there is no either/or, no black or white but a variety of changing and subtle shades, textures, colors and hues. Can we take in and accept the differences and complexities? Pigeon holing is no longer an option. Real life is more wonder- fully diverse and multi-faceted. A Can we live with that? Because Libra sees many possibilities, it can, at times, be difficult to make a decision, make a commitment or take a stance and there's a good reason for that. Not knowing can be the most open minded stance. However actively or passively, decisions get made, and we need ‘to be aware of the consequences of our decisions regardless of our style of decision-making. Letting go of either/or mind is not necessarily comfortable. Connection and relatedness are great motivators for Libra. V Libra wants to be in contact and that feeling is intensified at this time. The desire may be so strong that we find ourselves willing to compromise inappro- priately just to have the connec- tion we seek. It requires atten- tiveness to know if our compro- mises are sensible and healthy in the long run. If they are not, we can end. up wandering and lost in the land of resentment. Libra knows that rela-. tionship is of the essence. At this , time we are able to more fiilly and deeply appreciate that reali- ty. After all, whether we are skillfiil in how we relate to one another or not, we are all in this together — no one is outside the circle. V ' Glo Daley is an astrologer living on women is land in Huntington. C! m Cl 1' Cl 5 i:-:eun6ot}<:;n (3? »;2,>.rm-.-gm? The Samara Foundat Vermont is a charitable foundation ose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. e _ +9? W79; 0-90 -t<°°“ F 90 0"’ Vr V‘ we BLACKWOOD age,‘ 0% 90 Ass()‘<%¢§;1ef£s, PC - 957, 9 blackwood.|aw@verizon.net fax: 8°2‘863'°262 Concentrating in Employment. Spechl Educotbn and Civil Right: Law. Also Wills, LGBT Iuues, Estate Planning. Personal Injury, other lifigofwn and medisfion. Old Dykes cont’d from previous page couldn’t have chosen three better letters for this 58-year old than ZPY. I’d like to order a miniature to hang around my neck. V ' Copyright Lee Lynch 2003. Lee Lynch is the author of eleven books including The Swashbuckler and the Morton River Valley Trilogy. She lives on the Oregon Coast. Ftorat Artistrg b5 Alison, Buclaotz Eersowat Etorat Dgig Mr Personal/zed designs make it even more special. vtsim Licit to Lavish etc £1!/L08... i n osui ur individual taste s Ie! YO VIA. cus m d 802-654-9208 lmg:[[lmme.att.net("a.hucl|olz(tloralart a.bucholz@att.net Look for “Feature Flowers for the Week” on my website!