“\\“¢§ Busiresses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer)7per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to classi- fieds@mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477, or fax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements V Metropolitan Community Church Worship Services begin 2 PM Sunday, 5 October 2003 at RU12? Center in Burlington. Metropolitan Community Church is a denomination with a spe- cial ministry with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community where everyone is welcome. MCC began in a living room in Los Angeles on 5 October 1968, 35 years ago. Help us celebrate by attending worship with us on this anniversary. The MCC group that has conducted several com- munity forums in Vennont to discern the location for a congregation has found that there are sufficient numbers of LGBT community members in Greater Burlington and the surround- ing area to begin services. At first serv- ices will be held every other Sunday at RU12? Center. As attendance is deter- mined, the congregation will move to larger quarters and services will be held each Sunday. Sunday afternoon has been chosen because of its appro- priateness for Wintertime driving. Dates of MCC Services for the remain- der of 2003 are as follows: 5 8 19 October, 2, 16 & 30 November, 14, 28 December. Please join us for worship this fall. For information call 802 728 7071 or mccvt@innevi.com V Elders who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. Be sure your voices are heard! UVM graduate student looking to gain insight into the LGBTQ commu- nity of elders and the resources that are necessary and desired in your lives. Come share your stories and meet other LGBTQ elders in a focus group session. Food and drinks pro- vided. Place and time negotiable. Contact Jen at 660-7191 for further information and to see if this group works for you. V Innkeeper/Couple sought to run The Grey Gables Mansion (www.grey- gablesmansion.com), a six room Bed and Breakfast in Vermont on the Canadian border. If you enjoy enter- taining and meeting new people, this is the position for you. Duties include: Cleaning, cooking breakfast and serv- ing tea, taking reservations, checking in guests, general yardwork and main- tenance. The books and marketing will be done by the owners. This is a live-in position. Compensation will include salary, accommodations and override bonus. Please email resume to pam@greygablesmansioncom or fax to 802-713-1004. Wsit our web site for more information on the property. V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is look- ing for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpridemédia.org. Monthly expense stipend and commis- sions paid. Contact us today for more information. 802-434-5237 or ads@mountainpridemedia.org. Employment tsetamtary Pesiifiosas OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on community members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volun- teer about an hour a month as a distri- bution volunteer. It's easy and helps to keep the cost of producing and distrib- uting our paper down. FMI contact cir- culation@mountainpridemedia.org or 802-434-6486. V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a difference! FMI: mpm@moun- tain_pridemedia.org or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountain- pridemedia.org. V Fame (not fortune) Awaits ! Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to interview others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to contact Euan Bear at edi- tor@mountainpridemedia.org. We are a 501©3 organization. There are no funds to pay content contributors (maybe someday). V Comejoin MPM board members, staff, and other volunteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stulfing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of the month, you can help get the paper ready for mailing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuff- ing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We provide pizza so please join us! Check out the MPM Community Calendar on www.mountainpridemedia.org for exact dates. FMl & Directions: circula- tion@mountainpridemedia.org or 802- 434-6486. Merchandise V 1998 Honda Shadow VLX 600 Deluxe. 5,000 mi., great shape, new tires, new battery, just overhauled and inspected. Great first bike. Must sell, $3,950. (802) 862-3783 evenings. V Hyundai Accent 2000. 19,000 miles, still under warranty. Well main- tained, service record available. 5 speed, excellent condition. $5700. Please call (802) 879-7873. 7 For Sale: Lovely modern (square lines) recliner chair, blue- green tvveedy upholstery, excel. cond., $100 obo. 861-6000 (09/O3) Personals Y Montreal professional, 59, lives downtown with a canine roommate, would enjoy meeting interesting Americans coming to the big city for some R and R. Interested in some good conversation over a café au lait, a beer, dinner or how about a flic? If you are looking for a tour guide to Montreal or some suggestions as to where to go, what to do and how to do it, give me a cybershout. tom- davis160@hotmai|.com V Russian boy in Cyprus, 29, 5'11, looks younger, normal-build,‘ brown eyes and brown hair, good looking, educated, romantic, tender, longs to find a faithful boyfriend from every- where for a long-terrn relationship and great love. I want to share my life with you, to be with you in good and bad times, to give you all my feelings. Christian gays and gays with spiritual values are very welcome to write me! Don't waste your and my time if you're interested in fun, without obligations. I want to marry the right person. Cell phone number 011357 99909186 E- Mail:tchaikovsky@newmail.ru V GWF, 58, professional-—seeks sharing of interests, possible relation- ship— with non-smoker. Enjoy water sports, x-country skiing, hiking, cook- ing quiet meals together, eating out, back-roading, movies, theater, classi- cal, blue-grass and new age music, country-living and spiritual/personal growth pursuits. Loving to laugh, lov- ing to care... doesn't quite make sense not to have a “significant other!” Unfortunately some pet allergies. Please write: SFTS Possibilities, 2400 Rt. 116, Starksboro, VT 05487. Real Estate Fer east ' V Lovely house for rent in Woodbury, Vermont — 20 miles from Montpelier. Two bedroom (plus) farm- house with pond, established flower gardens, vegetable garden, screen house and 13 acres of woodlands. House comes furnished, plus wash- er/dryer, dishwasher and gas fireplace. Available November 1 for year lease. $1000 p/month plus utilities. FMI: Call 802 472 8649 or e-mail sandyr@together.net V Inexpensive Stay - Need a sleepover spot in VT? Extra room, priv bath, indoor pool, exercise rooms. Stay with "Zoe" (802) 861-6000. V Get away for the weekend! Quaint, private cottage located in one of the most beautiful regions of north- ern Vermont. Minutes from the Long Trail, the cottage is located in Waterville (twenty minutes north of Smugglers Notch). it has one bedroom + futon and sits on 11 acres, tucked in a secluded corner of the woods. Stunning waterfalls and mountain views make this the perfect escape. The cottage features a fully equipped kitchen,shower, TV, DVD/CDNCR player. Just relax on our property or go hiking, biking, canoeing, swimming...all just minutes away. Available year round, $75/night.Visit us at wvvw.geoc- ities.com/cdmercer or call @ 802-644- 2787 V Gay male moving back to Vermont. Have a large house on Lake Champlain in North Hero and looking for a roommate or two. House has 6 bedrooms and 3 baths. Giant wrap around porch with views of the lake from every room. Very nicely appoint- ed. I have one very affectionate dog. I am looking for someone to move in mid-fall. Anyone interested should con- tact me directly by mail or phone. Rent is $400 plus utilities. Kris Daignault, PO BOX 2655, Hyannis, MA 02601 Cell 508-737-4361 V GWPF seeking GF or possible I GM to share a room in my home in Charlestown, NH. Large room (15x30 approx), back entrance, common, yet personal bathroom, off street parking, access to kitchen, dining and living areas. Room is already wired for cable and phone. Many more advantages. Rent negotiable pending all included or shared utilities. Nice area, easy com- mute to Dartmouth or Brattleboro area,5 minutes off of I-91. Call 603- 826-3313. Services V Civil Union Ceremonies - Interfaith Minister, Rev. M. Anne Clark, will help you create your special day ~specifical|y for you both, tuning in to your beliefs, your dreams and your special love for each other. Call (802) 861-6000 or write revanne@weddin- gofsouls.com. Also see www.weddin- gofsou|s.com Y Services: Lynn Reardon. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. 802-786-6992. 67 Grove St. Rutland, VT 05701 ‘ Y PetPa|. Serving Chittenden County. Pet, Plant, and House Sitting. Reasonable Rates! Experienced! Flexible! References! Call 802-324- 8219 or visit on line at www.petpa|vt.com. Workshops I Cats V Living with lllnes - Workshop begins Sept 9th, 2003 to Sept. 30th The Middle Way Project presents a 4- part workshop for caregivers and those living with illness. Nancy Edwards and Jane Schaeffer have developed a 4- week program which explores the dynamics of illness, in the way we think, talk and respond to it. This pro- gram is intended to aid anyone whose life has been touched by i|lness,: including doctors, nurses, professional and family caregivers. All will benefit‘ from coming together and sharing: thoughts and fears in a safe, healing. environment. Each class will introduce: tools for coping, relaxation techniques; listening and communicating skills, and? some new ways to view our ever-'; changing lives. Notebooks and study? materials will be provided so one may _ continue to practice when the work- shop is over. Class will meet 4 consec- utive Tuesdays from 6 to 8PM at SVMC's Conf. Room A in Bennington, VT. First class begins Sept. 9. Fee:: $100, payable at time of registration.l Fee covers cost of class and class? materials, notebooks etc. Special arrangements possible. Pre-registra- tion is required. Registration cutoff is, SEPT. 2nd. Referrals and questions are welcome. Please phone Nancy Edwards at 802-442-5654 or Jane Schaeffer at 802-447-0393 to register.-‘ Events Activities Advocacy . Education Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier‘, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754