THE VERMONT FREEDOM TO MARRY TASK FORCE Notes from the Task Force Right on Canada! lWe applaud our neighbors to the north for pledging full inclusion for same—sex couples under Canada’s Marriage Laws. f you missed us at Addison Farm &’ Field Days and the Champlain Valley Exposition _ please try and catch our display at the VT State Fair in Rutland. We would like to thank all our great volunteers. We are nothing without you! We would also like to thank the staff at each of the fairs for their help along the way. et updates on the status of the New Jersey Marriage case, another case involving full T marriage equality by following the website of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund at “” Here at the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Forcerére patiently awaiting the decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court case involvingfull equality in Civil Marriage. For‘ those who are interested in following this issue please check out the GLAD website by logging -on to “”. ‘ he Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force would like to thank the people at Mountain Pride Media for all their great coverage of the events that effect our community. You do a great job and we appreciate your work. ome of you have changed your address, telephone number or e-mail, please let‘ us know your new info, so we can keep you up to date with all the happenings on the Marriage Equality front. Please _check out our website at "” or send a note to VFMTF, Post Office Box 481, South Hero, VT 05486, or give us a call at 802-388-2633. ‘ The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force is currently being cared for by Laura Davidson, Beth.Diamond, Judy Murphy, Nora Skolnick, Keith Ribnick, and Sherry Corbin with Mltzl Johnson as coordinator.