the source The definitive directory of Vermont’s essential resources. To add or update your listing, e-mail us at source@mountainpridemedimorg. All numbers are area code 802 unless noted. BISEXUAL Bl-Men in Vermont, an e—mail meeting place for bi-men in and around Vermont. Bisexual Resource Center POB 1026. Boston, MA 02117 617-424-9595 Email: brc@ Web: Both Sides Now (Social/discussion group) POB 55 Williston VT 05495 879-1147 or 655- 0968 Email: obladida@ade| Web: www.angeIfire.corn/vi/bothsidesnow CIVIL UNION OFFICIANTS [See complete SOURCE listings at: wwwmgunginpridemegia.grg[r§sggrgg.i3trnj ENDING VIOLENCE AWARE (Aid to Women in Abuse and Rape Emerg_encies) PO Box 307 Hardwick VT 05843 24-hour Hotline: 472-6463 Battered Women's Services, inc. I PO Box 828 Montpelier VT 05601 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 Burlington Police Dept Community Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill Laware 658-7658 New Beginnings Women's Support 885-2368 24 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 Salespace for LGBTOQ survivors of Violence PO Box 158 Burlington VT 05402 802-863-003 www.SafeSpaceV'l'.org Take Back the Trails Mel, 603-543-1700 Web: Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 24-hour hotiines: Domestic Violence 800-228-7395 Sexual Assault 800- 489-7273 Web: Women's Crisis Center ‘ 1 POB 933 Brattieboro VT 05302 257-7364 Hotline: 254-6954 women‘: Domestic I Sexual Violence Shelter POB 517 Morrisvilie, VT 888-2584 Women Helping Battered Women POB 1535 Burlington VT 05402 658-1996 Women's Rape Crisis Center PO Box 92 Burlington VT 05402 864-0555 Hotline: 863-1236 Womensave PO Box 67 Middleburay VT 05402 24 Hour Hotline: 388-4205 Office: 388-9180 HEALTH ALCOIIOLICS auormuous Arlington VT St. James Episcopal Church Mon., 7 pm Burlington VT POB 5653 Burlington VT 05402 at Fi.U.12? Community Center. Tuesday nights, 7 pm NH I-‘rrst Congregational Church North Main and Washington St. 603-357-4300 Weds. 7:30pm Hanover NH Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Thursdays. 6:30pm Women only. Keene NH Call for location. 603-357-4300 Sat, 7-8:30pm Ihnchester NH W Church 669 Union St. Sundays. 7:30pm Nashua NH Nashua Unitarian Church Mondays. 7:30pm ANONYMOUS HIV TES11NG I COUNSELING SITES [See complete SOURCE listings at: HIVIAIDS SERVICES AIDS HOTLINES Vermont 800-882-2437 New Hampshire 800-752-2437 New York 800-541-2437 Maine 800-851-2437 Massachusetts 617-522-4090 National 800-342-2437 National Tl'Y 800-243-7889 Teen Hotline 800-234-TEEN AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 608 St. Johnsbury 05819 748-11 49 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACoRN) 85 Mechanic Street, Suite 240, Lebannon NH 03766 800-816-2220 295-8777 Email: AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region 800-639-7903 AIDS Project of Southern Vermont Brattleboro 254-8263 254-4444 Bennlngton 447-8007 Bennlngton Area AIDS Project 442-4481 POB 1066 Bennlngton 800-845-2437 Comprehensive Care clinics Medical and psychosocial care for people with HIV. 1-800-358-1144 x4594. With locations in Burlington, Brattieboro, Rutland, and St. Johnsbury oflering anonymous and corrfiden- tial HIV testing. STD counseling and testing available at the Burlington office. IMANI Health institute For people of all colors. 294 N. Winooski Ave I POB 5003 Burlington VT 05402 864-2631 Fax: 864-2632 Email: ' National Assoc. for People with~AiDS : 202-‘ 898-O41 4 NHIVT HIV information Network Vermont CARES Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing, services and prevention for peo- ple living with and at risk for HIV Oral HIV Testing. 800-649-2437 Burlington 800-649-2437 Montpelier 229-4560 Rutland 775-5884 St. Johnsbury 748-9061 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project Brattleboro VT 05302 800-257-1123 TTY: 800-253-0195. FAX: 257-2013 Vermont Dept. of Health AIDS Program 108 Cherry St. Burlington 05402 863-7245 Vermont HIVIAIDS Education Network American Red Cross. Norlhem Vermont Chapter. 29 Mansfield Ave. Burlington. VT . 05401. 802-660-9130. ’ Vermont People with AIDS Coalition POB 11 Montpelier VT05601 777-0235 229-5754 Email: vtpwacfisovemet Web: WashlngtonCountyAIDSNstwork Anson. 229-4560 LEGAL [See complete SOURCE listings at: mMmmm MEDIA [See complete SOURCE listings at: mm Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St. Pittsford VT Bob 483-6739 Men Allvel 865-2247 The Men's Group, tri-state Bennlngton area, GBTQ men, ‘Social, Education, and Fun. For info, Charlie at 802-447-8007 or cfmartin @ Minotaurs Brotherhood Leather & Levi's Club" POB 2141 Concord NH 03302-2141 603-753-9059 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124 Keene NH 03431 603-357-5544: One in Ten Project Discussion/social group Claremont NH 800-639-7903 The Men's Program Social & Educational events for Gay & Bisex-ual Men: Glenn 254-8263 men MULTICULTURAL Kwanzaa POB 583 Burlington VT 05402-0583 Sister to Sister Hermana y Hermann ALANA Community Organization 8 Wriliston St. Bratlieboro VT 05301 254-2972 Email: acséitogethennet. ‘Women otcolor Alliance POB 1534 Burlington VT 05402 660-0606 PI-Ill-ANTI-IROPIES SamaraIFoundatlon of VT Bill Lippert. Executive Director PO Box 1263 90IMain St Burlington VT 05402 860-6236 FAX:860-6315 Email: info@sarn_arafounda- Web: ' Por.n'rcAr. equauhrvennom (formerly POB - 1125 Montpelier VT 05602 888-825-4989 Virginia Renfrew, 496-4333 Keith Goslant, ' 454-8552, www.equaiityvtorg I Gaytnio Line of NH . - 26,South Main St Box 181 Concord-NH 0330 603-224-1686 Email: HiV+’ Public Policy Project. Inc. POB 5811 Burlington .VT 05402 800-649-2437 (day) 655-8255 (evenings) Fax: 864-7730 Email: HlVp3 Oadelphianet Log Cabin Republicans - James Campbell, Grass Roots Field Director 888-846-2930,, NashuaPr'ldo 423-3ArnherstSt.. Ste 113 Nashua NH 00063 Gil. 603-881-9522 OneINH Freedom to Marry coalition POB 3605 Concord NH 03302 603-224-1686 ONEoiNHoaol.oom Peace and Justice center 21 Church St Burlington VT 05401 883-8326 Pride Vermont POB 1433 Burlington VT 05402 864-3455 Vermonters for civil Unions Legislative Defense Fund POB 1038 Middlebury VT 05753 899-2930 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312 Middlebury VT 05753 388-2633 Email: coord Web: Vermont Grassroots Party. into@vtgrass— -" PROFESSIONAL [See complete SOURCE listings: I . . I I. I I_Q§9.Li.l'.G§_.hI£l1i RECREATION [See complete SOURCE listings: I . .I I. I I r_e.s9.iLr9a.iJtm] SOCIAL [See complete SOURCE listings: I . . I I. I Les9.ur.rz-2.lJirJ1l "" SPIRITUAL I RELIGIOUS All Souls Church Unitarian UniversaIistA Welcoming Congregation 29 South Street Brattleboro VT 254-9377 Barre Universallst Church A Weioorritg Congregation Services at 10 am Smrhys Richard Forcier, Minister 19 Churut St. Barre VT 05641 479-0114 . . Beth Jacob Synagogue. POB 113. Montpelier. VT 05601. 802-229-9429. Services: Fridays 7 pm, Saturdays 9:45 am. Burlington Unitarian Universalst cicle. POB 221 Burlington. VT 05402. Wally 802-985-9795. Public Neo-Pagan rituals every second Saturday 5:30+ it he UU base- ment. Central Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Budmist) POB 5.17 Montpelier VT 426-4111 533-2527 Champlain Valley Unitarian Universaust Society An Official Welcoming Congegation ; POB 857 Middlebury 05753 388-8080 Christ Church ‘Presbyterian - More light Church ‘UVM Burlington 05401 862-1898 Christ Church. Episcopal. Aninciusive and affirming congregation. North Mair Street. Bethel VT. 802-722-9064 The Church of our Saviour, Episcopal. An inclusive andaifirming Mission Farm Road. Kiliington VT. 802-422-9064, College Street Congregational Church Open and-Atiirrningkcross from the YMCA in Burlington’ 864-7704 I Dignity New Hampshire POB 7 Manchester NH 03105-0007 603-647- 0206 Email: inioefldignitynthorg Faerie camp "Destiny POB 531 Winooski VT 05404-0531 Gabriel. 295-7105 Web: www.faeriecampdesiirry. First Congregational Church. 38 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington 05401. 862-5010. Homeofthe1s_tChurnhCiviiUnion'n V1’. First Unitarian Universaiist Society An Oliicial Welcomhg Congregation 152 Pearl Street Burlington VT 05401 Services Sunday ' 11am Interweave Monthly GLBT Potluck information. 802-862-5630 www.uusociety.on_,- First Univarsaitst Parish (UU)