s,\L."..>.‘..>.‘..’-=>.-vmoz.-.«......x~r."..~a.4=.x.-«....«-»-na~<.....---..-...—......-.-,.. Pets Love Shopping... at vermonfs Largest » - Fcm rm-1 ?mJ:-'1-:s.\tI<":;\:.A5. WE PLAN UNF<:)R<3ETT.-\Bg_E E\-’ENTS Aflll IIISX E; J ,-(«L._\N~{- TOUCH with unm:r:;n-omising arterrrion to dsrtzxil and fiperuted Pet 8. Pet Supply Store -- - i..z:/' .:"s’éw!~f;tgl¢1;:a1(.7xa[in.t:2:r {n.vli{u.‘rz /xring our 171:’ !icu'm:i«./d and 2-:.\‘pv.r1'cim-‘(I c-‘¢’a,gfI‘0a' qx-nan:-~' * Pemnnalézed and cnmpiefe piamxing sen~'ice.s - (f.rca1i\.'L‘. mum: ixiczvs from budcrori h<>r:~; (I've-u\'rcs am-:1 £r:.ac‘1iu'c>11;{ §>m'Tc.1 .5}:2as=.:; to ctjtnm and theme :;p<:::ia3L:~:.~ The Inn r;s1r Essex feafurez; .-\ 5.-car mum": ;sE,rumx 1; 1.<:nic».i p2=.i.u'.\ ham. : n1::4.‘.m':§J wnn‘:.~< Em ¥i5-35!’. 1-1113 .~'.pu'i1xc5c¢'u. -* -:, m:«'-.15 «_>;'2m¢-.125 .215.‘ —. ' in Bri«::-s;he Bakery cake crc*.aucsz1s fmzn sixnpiyeiegzzzzz‘ 2.-:2 e:~;r.r:n-ngnmly‘ ornate scapmg. 2'.~<,.:.~/..'VJ1{lz 'smun_1x.. v _ I p.:u;»1. and 120 in15¢51,j f0.‘-“,1 . THE {N N AT , “Your FAMELY-owned X and operated neighborhood ’ ‘ pet specialists since 1991." Jim Fitzeeratd & Jacob Ashwarth Pet 8. Grooming Cenfer . Just Off I-89, ext? 16 Across from Lihws www.NoahsAri55-042: / éaaafét ..::o4nu:nz’ . fin‘: 411.4. V»:/moat-.3 . Thurs. Sept. 18. ‘rpm First Con " agational Church Winooakz AV€:., Buriington wt Kc’ »V g o I tickets and info: Peace & Justice. Store. 01’ i..avcn<;ier Visions Productiona PO Box ::i2(5:'5 Buriizmgton, V1‘ (15402 ,. , 802-849-2739 *~uulNuau|"~uunt\var ‘ $18.50 advemce V‘ um 33.9.» Tmnblaq $22 at doc): v“'“‘z"’°"’” sp<3r1s<:rre%cii3:y* mirznzzr amazmced ‘ at and of of etverziragg