.~..:...e-annu.-w..<.-.t.-.~.-—.-umo~.=.~:~...——.~....-...\-...‘..-...-......i-.......-_..__........... Visual Protest y partner Max and I are sending out these photo cards to the fine men and women in Congress (along with the monkey boy running our country right now) and had the thought that it would be super cool if others around Vermont did the same. We’d like to invite others to send their "family" photos to_their favorite people in DC. . It could be this little mass movement from The samara Foufida . . Veim°"t $5 3 Vermont at a really crucial time! 7 I charitabie foundation jiviiose mission is‘ to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexuai, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. 5 (J m Cl i‘ C i9 2,: 1; are 2 2' 4:» oi =« rs: 2' m Z‘: 2:? -. 8 1 %1c_, M 0”’)? E 60* 6,‘. gfo/7 ‘ 9-°' 9'4“ 6702. "70 «Q0 BLACKWOOD 6’ 3‘ .540 9“ ASSC>..$=.!.*::.”';,s.§-..r:<.=. 9% 9 b|ackwood.law@verizon.net fax: 8°2‘8634)262 Concentrating in Employment, Special Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and mediation. i 4 l 3 i * FLomL Artistrg ha Atisom, Buchotz ~ P rsowat Lomt 13 st r Personal/Zed designs make it even more special. Erom Zen simptiaitg to tax/L514 ctegavuze... custom desi :13 to suit our individuai taste & s le! 802-654-9208 ht! : home.am1eI "a.buclmlz Iloraiart a.buchoizeatt.net Look for ‘Feature Flowers for the Week" on my website!