A New Choice in Women's Health Care J Complete Nurse-Midwifery Service Provided by Lisa Hotte Kelley, CNM Offering: 1/ Personalized prenatal care 1/ Women's GYN care V Delivery at FAHC by midwife with physician collaboration and consulation available ChamplainOBGYN 55 Main Street 0 Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-1 802 Metropolitan Community Church 35 years azgfcfiriscézn Service in tlie gay {jerrrseuregy “Your Spiritual Hoe” Pfease come worship with as Sunday Worship: 5 October at 2 PM R1312? -- 2 Steeie St.Sni1ac 1:3, Bnriingtnn Directions & map for RUIZ? Center: http:/fwwnaml2.orgiindex.cfin?page==contactdirectiens.efin Thereafter, worship services every other Sunday, same time and place: 5 & 19 October, 2, 16 & 30 November, 14, 28 December ' Information: mccvt @ innevicozn A cicnomination with 9. special with the Lesbian, Gay, iiisextmi, ’I’ransgcndez: community where everyone is welcome. ‘ ?i1i*é‘E ‘i§Er‘1;f§€3'??*é.s‘isi ?%:’l{"ifll Etffii £3: $3‘-‘t3~¥.3.%”=+.-i. Hfififité éfifiitlfiiiiiii Eiifif 3ER‘s’%ié%Z3; fitl 21:33» 3:38 ?‘»§fii*§..- 3&3". $§§’a’%§‘«.i§ flibitié ER 5::Z§{} -« §‘:fi§* WEB. « 32$. Satfifixtti 553?}? .33, 3-5 Wet’. ’“i»t>?.‘;’ WESE ¥§i’3:§*?£“ {§£.Ea2E.£?2’t<’—' 5-mascara £li3§&v?1.P§;?‘§§£t£s£ §§25?*£;3§?§£I£‘ .222 .: p. was Aaaererrra zrrrsarxers mama z:ss¢lsrs:s‘r;?' .. ‘' " ~;ea2.stsrs 512%.; re rara;£s~*rasa.;rrr* E 2%} étt tears stars .aaa:.r§aa, er. $52.2’? ass-axrrzgr arly fall is on its way and Ewith it, between August 23 and September 22, comes the earthy energy of Virgo. This virgin is not about purity or sexual naiveté. She's all about being her own woman and growing into what a mature expression of this concept might look like. This virgin is loaded with abilities and talents of all sorts. Now comes the crucial question: What to do with these gifts? How to best to use what we have to offer? A We can use our resources to take care of our own comfort, making sure that “I've got mine.” This attitude is a bit pathetic when we think of the potential we are working with at this time. The vir- gin wants to help and just helping herself is not going to do it for her. She is aware of the possibilities that now present themselves and this awareness can now infuse all of us will the desire to improve situa- tions. This is a period when we will be able to be helpful to others. We have what it takes and now we are more willing and able to be of serv- ice. There is work to be done and we are ready to see what it is and to do it. Virgo is also concerned with health, so now is the time to take some practical steps toward improving one’s own health and improving the health of one’s fami- ly and community. The Virgin understands earthy practicality. Do the work, be healthy, improve what can be improved. It can be tempting, during the Virgo time, to think that we can achieve perfection, but we will only suffer if we buy into that delusion. It is in no way practical. It may come from a good place but it often takes us to a painful place. We suf- fer unnecessarily when we aspire to perfection. We get caught up in judgmental thinking, becoming crit- ical of ourselves and others. Sure we can improve situations but perfection? Fuggedaboudit! Along with the Virgin, the Bear is another totem for this time of year. Coming from Native American astrology, the Bear speaks to us of an appropriate shy- , ness. To survive, she needs to stay away from dangerous situations, making sure to have plenty of space and time for herself even as she serves others. Being of service does not mean being servile. A healthy balance is important to being able to do what needs doing. In order to stay clear of resentment, self—care is ' very important. This is how the Bear survives. I like to think of the Ant as yet another totem for Virgo. Quick and smart, the ant does the job in conjunction with others. The practical collectivity of the Ant leads to success for all and satisfac- 7 tion for the individual. Earthy Virgo In Virgo’s desire to help and willingness to learn humility, she takes us to the heights‘ of great compassion, and consequently great happiness. may not present the showincss of its predecessor, Leo, but in Virgo’s desire to help and willingness to learn humility, she takes us to the heights of great compassion, and consequently great happiness. V G10 Daley is an astrologer living on women 3' /and in Huntington.