don’t mean to judge, but the pope lis an asshole. Not literally, of course. That oft-vilified anatomical opening is a vital, natural and good thing. The Pope himself has one — a fact even his hole-y-ness’s personal physician would not “rebutt,” so to speak. lt’s that very opening, the one the Holy See denies could ever be a source of pleasure, that has the papal panties in a wad. John Paul II’s new edict tells politicians they have a “moral duty" to oppose same-sex marriage. Duty! Doodie is more like it. Church and state are sup- posed to be separate in the U.S., not conjoined like two-ply Charmin. But, and I use the term loosely, the Big Guy warns Catholic politicians that voting for egalitarian marriage legis- lation would be “gravely immoral." In the sphere of political anal-ysis, the Patriarch’s recent condemnation of same-sex marriage and gratuitous defamation of gay people stands out like swollen hemorrhoidal tissue. Any leader who tells me I _ v,w6v‘fv r.v"r.r.v’v.v‘v‘ can’t marry my own wife is obsessed with Uranus. We’re married honey, and we want the civil recognition we deserve. Popeymon says — and, by the way, so does our monkey—faced president (no offense to primates) — that a solemn and legal vow binding two women in matrimony is sinful, that two men legally promising to care for each other as long as they both shall live will put the sanctity of marriage asunder. Infallible Man’s head is up something other than his miter. Thank God(dess) the faith- ful in the US. Senate, at least, are defying the Pope on this one. v*7’v.1r’v.v.,1’v"I'*v‘w¢ iv‘! ‘o wrr U V V I!‘ W V 7 V V ‘:‘Av".!dA'3.b’A‘&‘..-ll .“.,.«" r . .-.",.s*.- ,.,.;aA.o»» 1‘!&é¢Jf.‘y’5,§I',I’§‘i’A"O.JJ ?>§'%V< .,A.4.~h¢.‘fi.»0t.6:|r.‘.‘45-ilpf. rzr‘vK‘¢'§*'r7i‘I"_0">!"i”0nr are-err-as-IUJW‘ J. ... ,3‘ J L No Butts About It Catholics — by and large intelligent, loving people who take care of their families and do good works in their communities and around the world — know the Pope does not always speak the true word of God, whatever that is. Humans are endowed with a con- science by our creator, or evolution or whatever fabulous serendipity got us here. We get to decide for our- selves. When I was thirteen, I slept over at my Catholic friend Teri’s house. In the middle of the night she nudged my sleeping bag. “Come, on, I’ve got something to show you.” She led me by flashlight into the laundry room. High on the shelf, behind the family-sized box of blue Cheer, lay an old cigar box. Under the lid nested the contraband — her mom’s stash of birth control pills. A devout Catholic, Teri’s mom marched her family to mass every Sunday, ‘ sent all her kids to Saint Theresa School and fixed fish for dinner on Fridays. But, in l964, when the pill was a seriously controlled substance, she used it anyway. “lt’s a sin. Women are only uv outing c 11 Atlantic Crossing - Ten Between noon and 6pm on both days, the UVM Outing Club will be hotding its first annual OC Fest to benefit the Green Mountain Club! On Friday night Atlantic Crossing will be doing a contra dance. Saturday night will have two iive acts performing, Ten Mile Tide from California and Smokin’ Grass with special guest Gordon Stone from Vermont. Tickets on sale now at the Outdoor Gear Exchange flee Fires arsenal l\/Iile Tide $10 Student, $15 Public 2 okin’ &. special guest Gordon Stone est rass ‘C: supposed to have sex to get preg- nant,” Teri whispered. “Who says?” I asked in the Talmudic tradition of my Jewish peo- ple. “The Pope!” End of con- versation. Turns out, according to the well-respected Catholics for a Free Choice, 96 percent of Catholic women in the U.S. have used modern methods of birth control, which the Head Patriarch still forbids. As a les- bian, my birth control method is completely natural, but the Holy . Father picks on me anyhow. He’s all up in my business, and I object. Don’t get me wrong. Along with the brave senators who opposed putting archconservative William Pryor on the bench, I am not anti- Catholic. I stand with the millions of open-hearted and fair-minded good Catholics who champion justice, world peace and a woman’s right to protect herself from unwanted preg- nancy, who demand the ouster of the bishops and other church high mucky-mucks protecting priestly pedophilia, who support opening Good legal advice can make all the difference. their doors — and the pulpit — to everyone, regardless of sexual orien- tation or gender. Opposing the Pope is no more anti-Catholic than oppos- ing Bush is un-American. God Bless America. Even though the Pope and the president are all bound up, the people are moving on. If there is a Divine Plan, we are all part of it. Even the assholes. We can’t trust some unelected mortal to see that no one is let’: behind — no pun intended. V Add your voice in support ofcivil marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples at www. Mill 1' ortF orMarriage. org. Sally S/zeklow teaches at Portland State University and performs will: W Y MPRO V l, Oregon Is award-wi/. ning all-/esbian comedy improv troupe. Comments can be sent to sal/y@wympr0v. com V Langrock Sperry & Wool offers the services of 22 lawyers with over 300 years combined experience in all areas of the law — including two lesbian attorneys with special expertise serving the legal needs of the g/l/b/t/q community. SUSAN MURRAY & BETH ROBINSON With offices in Middlebury and Burlington Middlebiiry (802) 388-6356 Burlington (802) 864-0217 Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP ATTORN EYS _AT LAW