Look at the Birdie! It always happens! As soon as the pres- ent administration in DC is put squarely in the center of something scandalous they have someone out in right field hold up a distracting topic. “Hey, don't mess with Texas!” Even if Dubya could think deeply enough to defend himself against accusations of feeding the American public lies to gain support for his Daddy’s enemy, you can bet that he’ll falter when interrogated by ethical inves- tigative journalists (those who don't work for publications and stations domi- nated by corporate interests!). Yes, he now admits to partial culpability but at the same time his press team has bal- anced this equation with another right- eous cause. “Thou shalt not lie,” in other words, is being cancelled out by, “Now, y’all don't think them gay folks can git married on MY watch, dadbumit!” So, now, off on another moral tangent goes the Republican regime. Bush saying he’s going to pass legisla- tion which will obliterate the rights of gays to unite as recognized couples. That’|l bring votes and popularity back to his slightly tamished image afier the close shave concerning his rhetorical untmths about the possibility of weapons of mass destruction in pre-war Iraq. I mean, really, isn’t the American public smarter than this by now? Are we going to let another red herring distract us from the serious flaws in this govemment? In between the Pope and Bush dictating the moral rights of world citi- zens because of their immediate, con- I stant and easily accessible daily chats with God scares me to death. Whatever the press gives us (unless it’s OIT M, of course) should be understood for what it is these days. If a national leader can get away with starting a war justified by falsehood and, to get our minds off this fact begins a media campaign to wow the ‘holier than thou’ self righteous among us then we deserve what we have. However, I'd really like to see a straight-shooting businessman who does- n’t concern himself with a citizen’s pri- vate life but concentrates on the econo- my, environment, health care and educa- tion become our next president (elected rather than appointedl). I don't have time for the petty right-wing witch hunts, and none of us can afford them. Heather McKeown East Berkshire Terror Attempt in the South ’ I’m writing this letter to address two groups of people. The first is that very small minority of people that includes the person who dressed in a black hood and robe and terrorized me at my home in North Westminster [Vermont] on Wednesday evening August 6. The sec- ond is the community at large which has proved so very supportive. To the first group: If your intent was to terrify and frighten me, that you did. When I looked down into my yard and saw the person in a black hood and robe, I thought it a vision from hell. Then he called me a f - - - ing faggot, and ran away like the coward that he and you all are. If your intent was to scare me away, make me crawl into a hole and disappear, or otherwise intimidate me, then you failed miserably. I ’m not going to go away. In fact, I’m doing everything in my power to make sure everyone in this part of the country knows ignorant and hateful people like this still exist. It’s sad that the one state that would seem to be the most accepting of gay people would have to have this kind of sickness festering still. Hopefully this was an iso- lated incident and this kind of ignorant behavior is becoming less and less evi- dent. As all decent and caring people must hope, I have to believe it is. Now to address the communi- ty at large: Words will never successfully express how much Gary and I appreciate your help and support. The State Police were really calming and supportive. The Windham County Sheriff's Office was extremely understanding and had very good advice to give us. We are especial- v ly pleased with how wonderful our neighbors have been. The love and sup- port we have been given has helped us to maintain our faith in the inherent good- ness of mankind. There is a saying, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” The ignorance, cruelty and evil in this type of act only strengthens my resolve in the belief that everyone has the right to live the life they choose so long as it does not harm another. Thankfully, most of the people in our lives hold with this belief as well. Michael W. Warren Gary W. Momaney North Westminster et Small Dog Electronics be your gut the Digital Universe! ‘K At Smalldog.com, you will find the full line of Apple products in both new and factory refurbished models. We carry a printers, displays, software and much more! We also have more Apple Product Professionals than any other dealer in Vermont! We are uniquely qualified to provide the professional advice you're looking for. Visit us on the web at: http://www.smalldog.com 1673 Main Street, Waitsfield, Vermont 05673 Phone: 802-496-7171 E-Mail: sales@smalldog.com Corrections . . . V Well, there was that glaring typo on the front cover of the August issue, which should have read: Barony of All Vennont Celebrates Third Year of Serving Its Community. V Even worse was the fact that Editor Euan pasted up the wrong copy of the back page, and as a result, it was hard to see that the Women ’s Extravaganza is a benefit for Pride Vermont, cosponsored by Mountain Pride Media and Lavender Visions. We apologize for the error and hope every- one turns out for the concert to support a good cause. complete selection of Electronics Slllfllillflflllllll I C. Apple Specialist