B MARGARET men espite two last—minute ‘moral fitness’ challenges, Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson was confirmed as the bish- op elect of the Diocese of New Hampshire in early August. In addition, Episcopal General Convention delegates voted to allow individ- ual bishops to decide whether to bless sarne— sex unions within their dioceses but stopped short of endorsing a denornination-wide litur- gy for such ceremonies. ' Ken Poppe, the dean and rector of St. Paul’s (Episcopal) Cathedral in Burlington, said he has known Gene inside illlit l‘.!.!l' I . Vcross-Borderflelp V Our TV Show is. On! p. 6 Lynn McNicol profiles Robinson for 30 years. “He will bring much to the church. His election makes an impor- tant statement about the welcome we bring to all people of faith, including all sexual orien- tations.” . Poppe continued, “The Scriptures support moving ahead with social change. We are all made in the image of God, and if a person has been baptized, they should be able to be ordained. Of course, how we live our lives is important. We would not be in favor of prorniscuity.” The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is head of the worldw 77 million—member Anglican Communion. (including the 2.3 rnillion-member U.S. V Song-Tales ofthe Chair p. 18 You’ll get 4 Episcopal Church). Although he is consid- ered a liberal, he has called for an extraordi- nary meeting of church leaders in October to discuss the unprecedented elevation of a gay man to the Episcopate. Earlier this year, he asked a celibate gay priest who had been appointed bishop in England to resign to avoid controversy. Anglican bishops in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Australia and conservative Episcopalian bishops in the U. S. have threatened to declare the US. church “out of communion” and/or to split the. church over the issue. The conservatives’ position is based on traditional interpretations of a few pas- sages of Old and New Testament declaring VKeepltQuiet p.20 Francesa Susanna is less that sex between men is an “abomination.” Robinson was quoted in the Sunday Times (London) as saying, “Frankly, most young people I’ve talked to have resolved the issue of homosexuality and think the church is hopelessly irrelevant fighting about it. Are we winning anyone to Christ with these battles? I think not.” He has said the he wants to be known as a good bishop, not the gay bishop. The Web Site challenge Robinson, elected as bishop—designate in June by priests and lay leaders in the diocese of New Hampshire, continued on p. 2 News 2-3 Editorial 4 Letters 5 Features 1, 8-10 Views 1 1-18 Arts 19-21 Calendar 22 F). 3 Sen. Leahy sponsors Immigration act for gay partners. than impressed with gay countertenor’s new CD. Community Compass 2 . The Source 25 Classifieds 28 Gayity 29 chances to see roots-folk duo Wishing Chair this month: a preview. Sharon Randall of VT Rainbow Coalition. 44444444444