csiieds Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to classi- fieds@mountainpridemedia,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477, or taxi! to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements 2 V The City of Montpelier is now accepting applications for 2003-2004 Community Arts Grants. This program is part of the Montpelier Arts Fund and was created to support arts events and activities which contribute to Montpe|ier’s cultural or community development. Applications for the 2003-2004 Community Arts Grants are being for proposals between $150- $1,000. Applicants must either be an educational institution or tax-exempt non-profit organization in Montpelier, or an artist or group of artists whose work is presented in Montpelier. Projects will be evaluated primarily on their ability to enhance and promote the city ‘s downtown. The applications will be reviewed by a panel of commu- nity members with expertise in various artistic disciplines and community development projects. Guidelines and applications for MontpeIier’s Community Arts Grants are available by contacting the City Manager's office at 223-9502. The deadline for applica- tions is 4 PM on Friday, August 15. Funding awards will be announced on August 29. (08/03) V Elders who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. Be sure your voices are heard! UVM graduate student looking to gain insight into the LGBTQ commu- nity of elders and the resources that are necessary and desired in your lives. Come share your stories and meet other LGBTQ elders in a focus group session. Food and drinks pro- vided. Place and time negotiable. Contact Jen at 660-7191 for further. information and to see if this group worksfor you. V The Barony of All Vermont is proud to present: Adornment IV “Avalon: the Battle for Power Between the Gods" August 8-10 at the Holiday Inn, Burlington. For room resen/ations: (802)863-6363 Mention Barony of All VT for discount rate. Special Advance ‘Fcket: All three events $75 Purchase by July 15. Come join Baron ll Kristoff Raimondo Reeves Sousa Della Notte and the Barony for their fundraising, drag event of the year! Beneficiaries for this years Adornment are R.U.1.2? and Mountain Pride Media. For more information about Adornment IV or the Barony: Cro1025161@aol.com (Kristoff), baronyofal|vermont@yahoo.com, vwvw.geocities.oom/greenmtsilhouettesfind ex.htrnl Employment Paid Positims V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is look- ing for part__and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountai-npridemedia.org. Monthly expense stipend and fcomrr'iis- sions paid. us today for more ; _ - information. 802-434-5237 or ads@mountainpridemedia.org. V Counter Persons/Servers. Tip Top Café in downtown White River Junction seeks experienced wait staff ' and counter/bar persons. $9.00/hr + (802) 295 4411 (08/03) Employment V§§§.§E'%%t"§f ficsificsss V OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on community members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volun- teer about an hour a month as a distri- bution volunteer. It's easy and helps to keep the cost of producing and distrib- uting our paper down. FMI contact cir- culation@mountainpridemedia.org or 802-434-6486. V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do . make a difference! FMI: mpm@moun- tainpridemedia.org or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountain- pridemedia.org. V Fame (not fortune) Awaits I Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to interview others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to contact Euan Bear at edi- tor@mountainpridemedia.org. _We are a 501©3 organization. There are no funds to pay content contributors (maybe someday). V Come join MPM board members, staff, and other volunteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of the month, you can help get the paper ready for mailing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuff- ing starts at 5:30 and lasts- until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We provide pizza so please join us! Check out the MPM Community Calendar on www.mountainpridemedia.org for exact dates. FMI & Directions: circula- tion@mountainpridemedia.org or 802- 434-6486. Events V WOW 2003 is the largest Christian gathering of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight persons from Canada and United States. The largest Christian event ever to focus on welcoming peo- ple of all sexual orientations will be held August 14 through August 17, ’ 2003 at the University of Pennsylvania. .l/lfitness Our Welcome isan ecumeni- . . . _ , _ _ ‘Rt.1‘16,Starksboro,VT.05487.’ calgathering of sexually diverse and , . . _ ,, ,' » gender inclusive Christians from Canada and the U.S. which supports the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight persons in congregations and ministries, mostly within the tradition of mainline Protestant churches.- The theme for WOW 2003 is God's Deliverance is for ALL! This powerful‘ gathering will serve to build on the work of the Welcoming Church Movement within mainline Protestant traditions, that strives for justice and inclusion for ALL people within the Body of Christ. The WOW registration ' fee includes participation in all four days of WOW2003 activities and meals: breakfast and lunch on Friday and Saturday, dinner on Saturday evening and Sunday breakfast. Visit wvvw.wow2k.org for more registration inforination. (08/03) ' Livin Situations Wan .V Professional seeking housing (duplex, apt, or other rental opportuni- ty) in Burlington or Montpelier areas. I will be relocatingto Vermont late July and will need housing immediately. If you have a rental or know of one that may come up for this time frame of August/Sept, please contact me at (503) 238-1166 (please call collect) or e-mail webe||a@surfbest.net. Excellent references, quiet and respectful. (08/03) Merchandise For Sale V For Sale: Lovely modern (square lines) recliner chair, blue-- green tweedyupholstery, excel. cond., $100 obo. 861-6000 (09/03) Personals V GWM, 31 yr old. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5ft 6in tall, 150 lbs. Looking to meet friends 18-45 yr old. Enjoy quiet evenings at home. Write 1226 Monroe Rd. Littleton, NH 03561 (603)444-2456. (08/03) V GWM in excellent physical con- dition looking date same. Interests include mountain biking, working out, hiking, bars scene- sometimes. If inter- ested write R.\/. PO Box 274 Ascutney VT 05030 or call 802-674-6761 (08/03) V GWF, 58, professional-seeks sharing of interests, possible relation- ship— with non-smoker. Enjoy water sports, x-country skiing, hiking, cook- ing quiet meals together, eating out, back-roading, movies, theater,’classi- cal, blue-grass and new age music, country-living and spiritual/personal growth pursuits. Loving to laugh, lov- ing to care... doesn't quite make sense not to have a “significant other!" Unfortunately some pet allergies.‘ Please write: SFTS Possibilities, 2400 Real Estate Fer ant 5 V Hartland, VT Furnished Room to rent in cooperative household in large Victorian farmhouse. Rural area, close to White River I Nonivich VT and Hanover / Lebanon NH. Utilities, local phone, access to Equipped kitchen, laundry and common areas of the house included. No lease, No Smoking, No Pets. $380l month or $95! week. FMI: The__proprietor@hot- mai|.com or leave me a message at (802) 436-1002_(08/03) V Inexpensive Stay - Need a sleepover spot in VT? Extra room, priv bath, indoor pool, exercise rooms. Stay with "Zoe" (802) 861-6000. V Get away for the weekend! Quaint, private cottage located in one of the most beautiful regions of north- ern Vermont. Minutes from the Long Trail, the cottage is Waterville (twenty minutes north of Smugglers Notch). It has one bedroom + futon andsits on‘11 acres, tucked in a secluded corner of the woods. Stunning waterfalls and mountain views make this the perfect escape. The cottage features a fully equipped kitchen,shower, TV, DVD/CDNCR player. Just relax on our property or go hiking, biking, canoeing, swimming...a|| just minutes away. Available year round, $75/night.\/isit us at wvvw.geoc- ities.com/cdmercer or call @ 802-644- 2787 (09/03) V 2 bedroom lakefront cottage in North Hero,Vermont, available weekly June-October, newly renovated, taste- fully decorated, very private, 75 min- utes to Montreal, 40 minutes from Burlington. $800/week. Please call Robert 372-5497 or 654-7445 (08/03) Roomates Wanted V GF looking for GM or GF room- mate. Share condo in New North end of Burlington. Dog and cat included. Call 860-2673. (11/03) V GWPF seeking GF or possible- GM to share a room in my home in Charlestown, NH. Large room (15x30 approx), back entrance, common, yet personal bathroom, off street parking, access to kitchen, dining and living areas. Room is already wired for cable and phone. Many more advantages. Rent negotiable pending all included or shared utilities. Nice area, easy com- mute to Dartmouth or Brattleboro area,5 minutes off of I-91. Call 603- 826-3313. (10/03) Services V Civil Union Ceremonies - Interfaith Minister, Rev. M. Anne Clark, will help you create your. specialday _ -specifically for you both, tuning in to . —y‘_our beliefs, your. dreams ; and ;, your located in - special love for each other. Call (802) 861-6000 or write revanne@weddin- gofsouls.com. Alsosee www.weddin- gofsou|s.com V Services: Lynn Reardon. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. 802-786-6992. 67 Grove 3 St. Rutland, VT 05701 (09/03) V Looking for help with grant writ- - ing, organizing special events, writing press releases, program development ’ or membership drives? Cagney’s Consulting Service can help. Contact Jill Van cagneyconsulting@earthlink.net for a brochure and more information.» V PetPal. Serving Chittenden County. Pet, Plant, and House Sitting. Reasonable Rates! Experienced! Flexible! References! Call 802-324- _ 8219 or visit on line at www.pet- paIvt.com. (O9/03) » Events Activities Advocacy‘ Education Networking_ Buyerfs CO-Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 V in Vermont 800-698-879,2 ; or 802-229-5754 1 3‘ Tuyl at ‘