A UNIQUE (SELECTION, OF DECORATIVE HARDWARE fi <*<-~-- EATH FMEETS, HXYURES. ii REEESSIIRE ----»> <<<~--- E5351 3 Piiiisitl Sllilfi ---->>> . “<---~ I38? iiiliit EUWFIIIIT RIBS -'~-~>>> _ <<<---- AERYLKE MESi'l\ilt3iNii THE ->-~-»> “'7 ‘ - . <<<-- miliiili HERBS 5 HXTERES --~~»> X ‘<<*-'-- BM ltirfllilwli 5 EIHRY SETS ':"'>>> <“~--- i‘ASSl£E.r9RiVAEY. 8 iiiiiitlt SETS --~>>> V<<<---- Siiiiiiiiflkiisimiifiiliitfiks -~~->» ' x «.....g.....-: {WEE an miner runes s was an asset? ~85fAi.lSRMi. 'ERiflT.§5432.3‘§2"335-355§.K'F5-5.SIt.W~5B§ 1 ’ A ----1. Laurie S. Rose;-nzweiyg Attbrxiey at Law mwusmm£mmumm,3 __ - . _ Famiiy & Civil Union 1 P.O.Boit't455; _ ‘ :.G'eneraiPractice 7. A Rutland, Vermont 0570! V -V. Phcmc 3; Fax: 802-786-2251 Free "initial consultations -~ V~. V. smaummaau Glcnnstcinman " V - 1. __ Financial Representative. NEF.V¢;monr gmmgm . =- (302) 26456619 V WW’ _ \- . ' ,_ » Life Bc_D'tsability Insurance 3 - V’ Lr_m'g.=Tcrn1('Iarci:)sumncc oinvbstrrtcrtt Strategies V _-I ' ’ ' Re-tit:-rm-.nr Planning 0 Business Pianning _ in $eauiriesproducucfl"¢redIi:ro11gtt!\'zwI’.ngIand' ’ BouonMA.CDf2z'!t30&3';up.7./Slloi An Official Welcoming Congregation. Main Street, Derby Line VT. Rev. Jane Dwinell, 802- 873-3563 or 802-334-8831. First Universalist Parish of Chester Nick Boke 263-5487 First Universalist Parish of Hartland Beverly Boke 263-5487 Second Congregational Church. Hillside Street. Bennington. www.sover.net(~bennscc. bennscc@sdv'er.net St. Johnsbury‘-Unitarian Universalist Church. Rev. Brendan Hadash. 802-525-3856. bhadash@sover.net St. Michael Episcopal Church. Sundays V8 a.m-.: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and affirming congregation of the Episcopal Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802-254-6048. » St. Paul's Episcopal church. 2 Cherry St. Burlington. GLBTQ Group. Lavish potluck, lively con- versation, and- prayer. Open to all. Third Friday of the month, Rev. Tanya Wallace. 802-864-0471 x16. Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St. Montpelier 223-7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West Street Rutland VT Rev. Amy Zucker 775-0850 Unitarian Universalist Congregation I Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine 649-8828, uucuv@dartmouth.edu Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wlcce POB 1345 Middlebury VT 05753-1345 388-6457 Email: info@opencircle.faithweb.com Website: opencirc|e.faithweb.com Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Road West Glover VT 05875 525-3875 Website: g‘rtsr3936 STUDENT [See compiete SOURCE listings: . . . I r r.es.ouLQe.lJtmi SUPPORT American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America, POB 29317, Chicago, IL 60629, wvvw.aver.us Gay/Blsexuallfluestioning Men’s Support Group. Mondays 7-9 pm. Open Men's.Support Group (open to all men). Sundays 7-9 pm, Support Group for Men Who Have Experienced Childhoodsexuals Abuse and/or Neglect. Fridays 7- 8:30 pm. Men's Resource Center, 236 N. Pleasant St, Amherst MA. Info: A/llan Amaboldi (413) 352- 9887 x 10 or aamaboldi@mensre- sourcecentenorg Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene NH Shawn, 800- 639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning -Support Group for LGBTQ Adults age 23 and up, free, open and ongoing. Mixed Group: 2nd 8. 4th Thursdays, 6:30 , pm Women's Group: 1st & 3rd ‘ Thursdays, 6:30 pm Open Men’s Support Group _ (open to all men). Tuesdays 6:45- 8:45. Senior. Dugout/Games Room, Council on Aging Memorial Hall. 240 Main St, Northampton MA. FMI: Allan Arnaboldi at (413) 352-9887 x 10 or‘, aamaboldi@mensresourcecen- ter.org R.U.1.2? Burlington, 860-7812, thecenter@ru12.org,www.ru12.org Survivors of incest Anonymous. Mondays 6-7 pm. UCC Bethany Church, Blue Door Room (base- ment). Main Street. Montpelier. 802-229-2153 or 802-454-7822. Friends in Adoption 44 South St.‘ 5 POB 1228 Middletown Springs VT 05757‘ 235-2373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) NE Regional Director Peggy Gage 12 Lincoln St. Exeter NH 03833 603- ’ 772-2113 NbrtheastRD @ ptlag;org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner 23 Birchwood Ln, Burlington 05401 86' -4285 Steve & Geneva Burrough , 878-2838 SW VT Area Meets 2nd) Sundays, 2pm First Congregational Church UCC Williamstown MA 442-5557 Straight Sppuses of GLB Partners Keene NHVtJane Harris 413-625‘,- 6033, eharisV@valinet.com VT Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting I info: 658-6045 T rrmusceuoen International Foundation for Gender Education POB 540229 Waltham MA 02454 781-899-2212 F: 781-899-5703, www.itge.org Transgender Radical Action, Networking, & Support (TRANS - ) POB 5687 Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 transvt2 @ aol.com WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area POB 6345 Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society POB 746 Lebanon NH 03766 aufs@quest-net.com www.bamey.org/amelias/index Burlington Women‘: Council POB 0583 Burlington VT 05402 CRONES (For Women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Rd Milton. 05468 Fiction Writing Circle. New infor- mal group. Meets in Burlington area to provide social support, edi- torial feedback, and career tips for women working on fiction and commercial creative writing proj- ects. Vikcy: lifeIong@tog‘ether.net . Fried Green Tomatoes VT Women's Social Group POB 150 Elmore VT 05657 888-5196' Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication POB 1688. Demorest GA 30535 706-776-3959 Mary Davidson joydg2002@yahoo.com Huntington Open Women's Land 434-3953 - MOB-New England BDSM and kinky social organization for women who play with women 617- 598-1061 X1209, V BostonMob@aol.com,Web: www.mobnewengIand.org' Lesbian Book-Group A Meets monthly in Putney, "usually on the fourth Sunday of the _ month. Novels, memoirs,‘ poetry, and non-fiction books by_ women authors.’Tatiana 802-387-2781, tatianas@sover.net 1 3 . Sex, Lies,-& Language Women's writing'Group focussing on topics otsexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. N'o.writijng,.experi- ence necessa'ry._P,utney 387- i 5452 , Q Umbrella women‘: Center 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8645 V‘ V‘ - woman Centered _ V‘ 7 5 School Ave. Montpelier 05602 229-6202 wornanctr6jscver.net, ' women‘: lnforrnatlon » (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH 03766 803-448-5922 24 Hour Hotline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) 101 Harris Hill Worcester VT 05682, 229-0109 leapnmom @ aol .com Womynetplay at R.U.12? » Womynetplay was created to explore networking and social V opportunities for queer womyn. Meets every other Sunday from 4- 7 pm at the R.U.12? Community Center, during the Women’s Social, to plan events, discuss upcoming events, or just hang out and socialize. For a calendar of events we will be attending or sponsoring, call Deb at 802-865- 5080 or R.U.12? at 802-860-ru12 YOUTH Central Vermont OUTRIGHT 800-GLB-CHAT Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell 748-8645 Gaylstraight Alliances in VT I-Iighschools Bellows Free Academy S. Main Street, St. Albans VT 05488 Gail Grismore, 527-7576 homepages.together.net/~ekeny- on/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro U.H.S. - Prism Fairground Road Brattleboro VT 05301 Andrea Carlson, 257-0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Cabot School POB 98 Cabot VT 05647 Charlie Wanzer, 563-2289 Champlain Valley Union HS 3 Box 160 Hinesburg VT 05461 Meg Howard, 482-7182 - Manchester High School Student Contact: Byron Brown Email: ,- TofuRights@ao|.com V Middlebury Junior UHS Charles Avenue Middlebury VT 05753 Howard Giles’. » - .- -V- = 6 H9 Middlebury Union HS - GAIGHT , Charles Street Middlebury VT 05753 Susan Webb & Rebecca Reimers 382-1115 382-1117 Missisquoi Valley Union HS RR2, Box 268 Swanton VT 05488 1 Paula Bowen‘ 868-7311 x109 Email: 2girls@together.net Mt. Anthony Union HS - Students ForVDiversity Bennington 447- 7511 x279 Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm Putney VT 05346 Rose ‘ Johnson 387-2044 Email: Rose_Johnson@pegasus.putney.com‘ Rutland High School 22 Straton Road Rutland VT 05701 Karen McGurl 773-1955 Web: www.ver- monte|.corn/~bishop/gsa South Burlington HS 550 Dorset Street S Burlington VT 05403- 6296 Karen Grace Spaulding Union HS Ayers St. Barre VT Lisa Lemieux Marty - Morris Julie Wilson Email: JLIND-_., SHS@Spaulding.k12.vt.us St. Johnsbury High School V AridraHbbert andraoorin@aol.oom U-32 High School RD2 Mont elier VT 05602 Ellen Cooke S 229- 321 G/Learn (Gay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network) POB 113 Nonrvich VT 649-5297 296-3858 North Country GLBTS Alliance- ‘ Littleton NH LB, 603-444-0418 , Email: xcountry.a|len @ usa.net Outright Vermont V Serving youth 22 and under F03 5235 Burlington 05402 865-9677 1 Youth Hotline: 800-GLB-CHAT ' (452-2428) info@outrightvt.org Web: www.outrightvt.org Woodstock Area Gayl tralght Youth Alliance Outright Vermont 800-GLB-CHAT '