Enteaiment §orts Roberts *5-'i‘)iii A dvisor '> 862.31 0.43770‘ WWW.We$ieri‘if€l1g5l) u i . net who self—describes as “a two for one.” This movie is appropriately beyond classification and will likely turn some viewers off while being hailed as a masterpiece by others. Regardless of your opinion of the movie it will be Feng shui is an ancient system of interior design that has taken the country by storm. Part art... part science, it’s about ' T ‘i- ’ Space manning and so much more . . _,, __., t t d!,, clearthatSilasandDodgesperform- 3’“$222225.i«vC'h°a??fedheIi5;32i222.» White the theory underpinning feng shui is ‘ 2 Martinis _ «Oh yeah _ that-S better!" Max.Spm0ml‘Mam.m.Rating = fascinating, its the results that are fue ing 3 Martinis —‘‘You’ll need ’em!” ' 2Martinis leng Sm“ 5 '3P‘d 9"°""”‘- 4 Martinis — “Wake me up when it's over!" Whether you want to transform your home . Puppetrv ofthe PeI1|3=- into a more serene space, your office into a “'9 A"°i°'“ A".°' G°"“°' powerhouse of productivity, or you’re A. . . ~ . A _’ a;L?"'J‘e'dIa . ‘ . _ .v. . . h V V V ‘°’?:;°g“;i.%.’:;:“fi;i?f;‘::J $539’ :.‘.:.....‘::::.:°..i.‘° '“"*'i. ii3ii‘3‘§f?.:ZL‘§.g"“°° am s»«»m......................,...... - '~ " www.radiknI.com in V ' j V » V V M T i www’ nth-mu_ A sIc.cbm - ‘i _i ' .Max§p§it;,i*§naL‘i5?artiniRatingf=, "om onto Your” .. , » ~ _i. v -‘ J .. .4‘ ‘ » V I thasbeenyonystages across the ‘ _ g . _ ‘ - 3' .. », _. g Iworld and now you can experience 0 I X R! I V C ‘K "W . ._p E - . c. , 1' .”thisancier’;ta11righ(tji2your own V — i _ ‘M i ’ I Tameberger (bateru I . I _‘ I I ‘ iv.mg.r_0om. wo cape . ussies S Jzgwnas ATE) is am. . . . r e-5"‘ ~ I l- 13*“ V V (Simon M/orleyand David Friend) _ ' ‘my ' ‘ " - “ ‘ tumedapastime into alucrative 40-’ spirited ismveiry at gins it gaiiery V I ,_ _ i . . . . — . year-old German-born _. _ ' L . Capricorrf who has recently -completed ’ L 1 I " his second US tour and is releasing his ' ' . " . fourth co in the US called Addicted wanuagemaung To Music. Andre says of the title of ' - . ‘ V . v ' i his latest CD, “I am indeed addicted Hook Or By Crook is ‘a’ rarity minute presentation of some of the » most hilariously funny and amazing feats you are likely ever to see. Make . no mistake this is not a sock puppet ' show and not for the faint of heart. It is live (well, taped live) and in the flesh (literally). . _ 7 Puppetry of the Penis picks up ‘where The Full Monty movie lefi off. You will.get to see such astound- ing “p_enis' installations” as The to music.‘ When I produce an‘ album, -';IvICt'Slll"prlSe thatit created’ - diversity is really important to me. I the buzz on- the inde- ' love making tracks sound as different . i as possiblefl don’t ever want my albums to‘Be boring or just a bunch of - tracks; butjalways changing, fresh,’ ‘ and engaging.” - ' t ' : C 3 Tower,;The Loch Ness Monster, and i ‘List in"t_i:me for season, The . amburger (the'dynamic duo’s 'signa- ‘ two opening tracks i‘In~" I ~_ tothei ji __ floor. From thei:e,'thé pg A album moyes into a gently ifiscil-latingi _ A H ,_ ' 5 mating between glistening’ trance (“$Blli1Set Girl,” “I WilI7No;t 7 V the audience’s ‘reactions, which are i i . p jT_he DVD, also includes a‘ ' » ’ f SD» A ute-bonus “_cockumenta_ry” that T A l, , follofvvs,Sim_on_ and David through the 1 _ .trials.a'ifid ’tribulations‘ of the first ever 4 . Puppetry of the Penis tryouts and a -. ,“handy”_. D.l.Y.=j(’d_o-it-yourself) V j j ;.Dicktrick§‘Handb§iok"(be sure to read , " . the vramihgs'befi_)'re‘attempting these 5' , ntsfat home).':.Who says playing‘ __: ' ~ ’ with yougself is§"beid_. for you — it .ce_r_- ts” of chillout g,” “Break My «featuies g M b V ‘i1iiIli’a'ting'=' Q" .Qi]i'’‘€¥'fiil?1s._.V'‘ 12 ' g _ , __ companion 40- ‘plus min, of live videoffootage _i ’ r ‘ from'ATl3f»:s‘perfonnanee in Chicago : .'_inV2002. ATB’s previous Usfreleasei , _ _ A g y _[ ‘ albums include Dedicated, Two» =7 _‘ ’_.‘to agroup ofyoung‘_l(ids early I Worlds, and Movin ‘Melodies. He has _'n‘iovie_'tii4': as‘_k wire you ;a" boy or: -- d v also prdduoed remixes for Enigma and girl 7_’ with the‘ simplejfeply’f‘bothi’? , ‘ ’ Bob Marley, This album will definite-p .‘ and Dodgeplays Valentine with her_f_ ly pleasediehard fans as well as those braided beard and short attention‘ span Io‘-try anything an_ce'.i liges enjoy an‘ occasional mar!i'ni_o'r} =.= _ - }3nvo,_()_ut p_ii_:fiergs'_1Erb ®! » " i-. in :Pelican,_The‘ Windsurfer, The Eiffel " ture ’c‘r'ea.tion).‘You also get to watch 77 Tmost asmtich to watch as the " V ‘