organization is run by‘ a Board Barony g of Directors, continued from p. whose President, Treasurer, and Secretary are all elected. Reigning monarchs and dowager (past) monarchs are also on the Board. There are general membership meetings once a month where the business of the Barony is discussed and voting is done. , The monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are open to all members. We are now in the process of applying for our 501(c)3 non-profit status. The Barony of All Vermont is a unique group even within the Court System. Vermont is one of the few realms that has a drag king as a monarch. We also are one of the few who will, as of ‘August, have a straight woman as a monarch. As with Civil Unions, Vermont is always a step ahead! ' - I am often asked — and sometimes I ask myself — why we do what we do. We receive no personal profit, we have to pay for all of our own things, and, in some instances, we put in long hours of work. The answer is two-fold. First, there is the good feeling that we get from helping oth- V ers. All that is required of the organization benefiting from a fund-raising event is that they send representatives from their organ- ization to the fundraiser. We have actually had organizations refuse our help because they think there is some hidden catch! There is no catch — this is what we do. The second part of the answer to “why” is something that has to be experi- enced first-hand to really understand: the sense of family within the Court System. There is a great opportunity to travel in this organization. Every court has a “Coronation’_’ or “Adomment” each year, _ the biggest event of the year - ours is this month (see our ad or check the Calendar for the date, time and location). People travel from all over the country and Canada to attend these events. Think of it as a costume ball. v But perhaps the real question of “why?” is “what does it feel like to become ‘Baron Kristoff’?” Kristoff and I, for the most part, are one and the same. Kristoff has a much darker side to him than I do. When I am in Kristoff “mode” I feel much more power- ful and in control. ._.,Kristoff has evolved and changed in the years of his existence. He started out a much milder personality but the heavier side has grown and matured over the years. He is truly my alter-ego in many respects. We are both outgoing, energetic, we like people, leather, motorcycles, and love to have fun. Kristoff continues beyond that and loves leather, hard rock music (Rob Zombie type),.is into the more “wicked” side of things (not evil, but very dark, ominous stuff), and is sometimes very intimidating. If he were his own per- son in reality he would be a Leather Master. I “become” Kristoff when I am in ‘that role. It is a most exhilarating experi- ence sometimes! When Kristoff is the Monarch, he is very regal and a total gen- tleman (more my own personality). Kristoff does things I wouldn’t do and I do - things Kristoff wouldn't do. It is actually a very interesting study in psychology. Many of the drag queens also experience much the same effect between their drag selves and boy selves. . A Coronation or Adomment is the last party of the reigning monarchs before they step down and a new monarch is , crowned. It is a celebration of a successful reign and a grand welcome for the new monarchs. After attending a few of these _ - events you get to know many of the people and develop friendships. It really is like having a very huge family. There are spats, cliques, loves, and all the rest that goes with family. But in spite of the spats, there is the love and caring. There are people in the Court sys- tem all across this country, who, if needed, would drop what they are doing and come to help. If someone is sick, there are phone calls and emails from all over. If there is a birthday, or a celebration of any kind, there are good wishes flooding in. It is incredi- ble. I have met people I would never other- wise have had the opportunity to meet. I have been to places I never would have gone to. This is the payment for all the hard work and dedication to this /organiza- tion. No amount of money could pay for what we all get in return. We are always looking for new members. We welcome all. It is a great opportunity to be yourself and express who , you are — or who you wish you could be. Most of our money is raised by doing drag _ shows. Participation in these shows is up to the individual. ' Not everyone in our group per- forms or is on stage. We need people to do many things that do not involve perform- ’ ing or being -in the public eye. We also raise money by doing raffles, yard sales, and food drives, among other fund—raising activities. We need people who are cre- ative, have imagination, are a little offbeat, and just want ‘to have fun. If you are inter- ested in joining us or have questions please email the Barony at baronyofallver- I have had the honor of being the reigning Baron for the past tv:/l<)_yy(e‘alrs;f name started out simply as" rgstoff. Ithas ’ now grown as other people in‘ the court system have honored me by giving me their names. I cherish every name. It repre- sents what this organization is all about: family, love, friendship, and a sense of , community, of being part of a much larger picture. I would not give up a second of i any of this. _ I will be stepping down on the weekend of August 8-10 in Burlington. It is my last party as a reigning monarch. I invite all of you to come and celebrate with me! Come and meet many of my friends from the U.S. and Canada. See A some really awesome drag and have an evening you won’t soon forget! For infor- mation about Adomment IV and other upcoming events, please check out our web page at silhouettes. V KristoflRaim0nd0 Reeves Sousa Fugett Della Notte shares an existence with Kris Rowley and they live in Brookfield, VT with their “kids ” (three dogs and a cat).