l l than Gree , g, V ' Ln» ‘mic! bk» “.5. ,, ~ ‘at You squeeze through to the other side. Acoupte of dinostroids are , . dornpinq about over ' .. here..." ...While ‘cu I *rosh95 _ girlfriend‘ ‘;""" the noel‘ °" ’ the re.. shoulder: are finals! loosening UFO: ,= ulnus socil tits at mlllll Gill ! All the hot latin boys and at: the not white bovs and an the D ‘ —- hot btcick boysand alt the hot usiun boys W9 60W} crystal and ignoring each other‘- S hit. its your mom. She and a bunch of radical Pft.AGers have been arrested for C! Sit- In at Senator Scmtorum’s ofiice. She wants youlto a come bait her out. that was out there. You've got some nice We won’+ stay--just a quiet: ’ ftdho ‘ - Rememtaer I Menfioned It on the Phone? Oman Wt! be nice for the ' iamity +0 Meet you. Lemme are John, the» you can shower white! shave. : it www.planetout.com the homeworid 0! Ethan Green comix, eric_,omer6ethangreen.com Buck? its Eeth... Bucky it’: an emergency.’ Peter jun sprung a surprise cocirtaii rartv on me. His Wilotfi FM‘VLY’$ 60$/NA BE ‘WERE W0.’ TOIAL COWCJDENCE. Todd and I are at his Moan’: riyiw now. She’: baked this awesome tasasne. BE PART OF THE Budapest! ln 1974, a man named Erno Rubik invented the Cube. After winning the highest prize for outstanding inventions in Hungary, in 1980, the Cube won top toy awards in Britain, France, Germany, and the U.S., and quickly achieved a universal presence. Imagine how much money could be raised for Mountain Pride Media if supporters bought their toys, games, and puzzles through iGive.com, where up to 25% of o M, untain Pride MedlalCl‘ci(_t e.VefY Give purchase is donatedgt iink sh ttit ge- SOLUTION Ever wonder where the Rubik's Cube really came from? Try ttopC (802) 2934411 _ ‘ a ity by Eric nine: The dance floor has become uncool. Only the periphery is cool . You can't find Bucky, you can't find Charlotte, you can't even find toson Chaing, who you're quorreting with, though what better time to make up than now? when you are alone 8; adrift. Like Kon Tiki lost at sea, only with a neon sign lashed to your bamboo most flashing "l have no Friends! I have no Friends" F‘ ally V0" 593! Chart 8: Lupe, and your best friend's bull. He's making out with Yodd, which wouid be intoterably qross if you felt like wander- ing around some more... ‘fa, (, _D_ PM so retaxedu and buzzeduthat joint wuz sweet. Len my like this for a WQCRIM H I M83799 00¢ kindm Roafin‘ on a (lazy river, (am we next: were shooting some rahidr! So he Mole V00 canoeiny, Ftltifi SEASSNIEL F000 iti it CiQ§3t$£tL ATMOSPHERE SERVENG LUNCH 11:30 - 3:38 lVi0N.- SAT. SERVWG QENNER 5:30 ~ 9:00 THURS, FRL AND SAT. 85 NQRIH MAW STREET, Wiittfi RWER JUNCTMN, Vi’. «the passenger ook you guys, uttimwety My Bert Friend ll Mv Boyfriend are gonna have to be civit +o each I realize how (we 7+ got. We've gotta be downtown at the Eetb, side mm come . wit-It brakes. -‘ figtzsodo #82 Tip Top Cafe salutes OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS E--Matt: MinBRO0K@3OVER.NEF (TO RECEIVE NEWS OF $PECtAL EV£NTS* *) * *(GLEARl\i reading» Sundayiurie 1st, 3-5 PM “Stonewatl: recotlections/repercussions”)