munities abcutoombating stig ' and A’ . in society? Share stor_iesandf;leam_:wl;at kinds, " of strategies and tools: others have developed. ' Come join the discussion wtthalpaneil of mem- bers of other stigmatized groups. This program cosponsored by the Mental l-iealth~Education Initiative. listing for more information. MONTPELIER - Lost Nation Theater —-‘Proof. 7:30PM.‘July.10th .-July 27th. Call 802-229-0492 tor tickets or more information -’stna- : - tiontheaterorg . info@lostnatlontheater:org . ' Friday ts , BURUNGTON - Outright vemronr-‘Reaching Out: Youth Zine. 5:30-6:45PM..Se’e‘Friday‘4 listing for more information. Bunuuerou -' GSA- ESSEX - VGSA - Mini" Putt-Putt. See Thursday 3 Alcoholics Anonymous - G . , 9 3 , Transgender Meeting. 7-8PM, At St James C uroh. across trom stewarrs cor» venienoe. store.TOi:len—r_*neetlng of AA. meaning attend. Youth Coreylea ter, 15 .matlgn oon sponsored ‘event-‘we'll bike one ofilh most ace: .5 1 mo bike paths in America! 10 mile roundup along‘ Lake Champlain. We will meet lo nooijlin front of the ECHO Science Center and cycle to the new _ bike friendly Colchester Causeway; B.§.