meat produce delicatessen and seafood tresh‘dairy _ 82 S. Winooski Avenue, Burlington Between Pearl and College 802-863-3659 CHECK out OUR GRAB AND no SECTION Feast your eyes: there’s sushi, egg rolls, salads, burritos, desserts, cold drinks; and dozens of other ways to indulge your appetite. And they travel! Onion River Co-op “Your Spiritual Horne” “W hen ‘li attend MCC worship services my heart brims with joy; I am in a plane where i am‘ welcomed and accepted l .l(l‘.’e/E: ~~- my service to the ‘least among us’ is vaiued and celebrated --- my uniqueness Jusncs seen as a gift." DIVERSITY COMMUNKTY CRARITY FAITH TR{33T GENEROSITY ‘ STEWARDSHW tocctted. information: -~- Bob Wolt‘f o Kelp decide where the first tfletropolitan Community Church in Vermont is o Attend (1 Community Meeting near you during tote Juty/eorty August 2003. MCCVT @ innevicom Metropolitan Community Church is a ttcnmnination with a specie: ministry with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community where everyone is welcome. In In urn ., ‘ “ui 14,," FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ELEGANT TOUCH Let New England Culinary Institute bring our attraordinary food andfine services to your Vermont or New Hampshire civil union site. We offer you: * Personalized and complete planning services - Creative menu ideas from butlered hors d’oeuvres and traditional buffet feasts to ethnic and theme specialties La Brioche Bakery cake creations from simplyelegant to extravagantly ornate - Full service liquor license NEW Rfikun CULINARY IN5'flfl.t‘l'E" .- V’ /V’ /' /-N 7 r 250 Main Street ‘ Montpelier. VT r)5f><12 Call Betty Lord at: 802.225.3333 WE PLAN UNFORGETTABLE EvENTs_ with uncompromising attention to detail The talented _and experienced staflat The Inn at Essex are waiting to plan your next event. With gourmet cuisine prepared by chefs and students of New England Culinary Institute, attentive service, and beautiful surroundings, your guests will enjoy a ‘ memorable experience! The Inn at Essex features: A year round atrium and tented patio. banquet and meeting rooms for 10-250, full spirit selection, glo- rious gardens and land- scaping. seasonal swimming pool, and 120 individually decorated guest rooms. TI-l~E INN AT *\ eX __ __.___»7EAt_Essex Way ‘ Essex 7. VT ()5-J53 soo_727.4295 - .~