mo uasuv llntallulaus Social me at mm: min 2 fit‘: weird woklnq up at a guy's place the st time. Wei rd noticing how alike we can be (maybe a rogue agency of the government is doing experiments whlch cause every gay guy on the planet to buy the some lump at used) while at the some time how different. s case, the dlfferanaeshaclude race. wk 3 ' ' st? supposed to a big deal. Peo te who think thatshcutd eep around more. we ullsmeil be some close.»9eter's ' ski or want and f settle some sou Looking at his array of photos, Eettrs reminded that he bareiy knows this guy. At least he barely knows him with his clothes on, theway these : people do. 1 {LL HA9 NO ‘REAL CONSEQUENCE9 A LOOK AT THE ODIOUS SANTSRUM‘ ' Bu‘: L_a:>l<. uqw FA?‘ we've COME“ LOOK AT"w¢LL. X Gal2ACE"‘ Otyso : MIA’ EVolu'H ea L/“t 50- 1 evsss YOU DON'T’ gTH!NK Pl2fDE is ONE OF‘ THOSE OF Us _ AZk'ori+e< THE DEADLY émst grr ER ):JL3o AREN'T 0 R ASTER LASCAQX of‘ YEAH Ream: ACTUALLY ‘ $5; V COULD Do ' ‘F wmx MORE SLOW‘ X» Ame ER amltlm-.lte dfiethmust ’ 1. III II: nrar (the nice thing however, about cttmbln back Into bed with o n quy on a Saturday mornlnq, is that dl erences about pet choice, occupotlonal interests, tomlly background or grocery shopping aren't nearly as Important as how good his arms and hls back and his legs and his everything else feats. . V. -- be» e ' gel’ 00- geek: "f.§SJ.“.£’.‘."’° #48 we V’ /1} 5????