calendar: june2003 To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web .calendar at : » com uni MPM - Theater and Survlval Mountain Pride Media thanks every- one at Lost Nation Theater in Montpelier for the great benefit per- formance of The Children's Hour held on May 18 to benefit MPM. We would especially like to thank Amanda, Kim, and Kathleen and everyone who joined us for the ben- efit. Our next event is part of 30 Days of Pride _and you are invited to join us for our Second Annual Eat Out Event at The Waiting Room in Burlington on Tuesday. June 10. . See our ad in this month's issue for more details — and we hope to see you there. June is Pride Month and all of us at Mountain Pride Media have a lotto celebrate and be proud of. We celebrated the 1-year anniversaries of our great new staff (Euan Bear, Editor; Pete Gershon, Art Director; Tania Kupczak, Operations Manager) as well as the beginning of our seventeenth year ofpublishing Out In The Mountains. We have also seen amazing progress made on our OITM online archive project as well as the suc- cessful launch and inaugural year of our grant-funded Non-Profit Media Access Program. There is however a seri- ous cloud on the horizon. Mountain Pride Media ended 2002 with a loss compass of over $11,000. This loss was due mainly to a significant decline in advertising revenue, both national and local, as well as a decrease in donations, grants, and subscrip- tions. We also saw two postal rate increases. As of April 2003 we are currently showing a loss of close to $6,000. Faced with these figures the Board of Directors is struggling with some difficult cost-cutting measures in order to keep Out In The Mountains in print. At the May 2003 meeting the Board of Directors decided to switch to a smaller paper format by the August 2003 issue, thus saving some money on printing and postage costs. We are also reevaluating our distribution (currently at about 6,000 copies each month) to see if we can find some cost savings there as well. Our goal during these difficult times remains the same - to create a financial self-sustaining newspa- per and web site for the Vermont GLBTQ community. We cannot achieve this goal without our community's help. We need your input, ideas, and energy. We need new Board and committee members, advertising sales reps, and volunteers. We need your ongoing support through subscriptions, advertising, and ‘Awww.mountainpridemedia.orgIcalendar_indeX-him donations. You are the key to the future of Mountain Pride Media and OITM. We simply cannot do it with- out you! Stonewall-Juneheenlh and LawrenceRuIing Gathering Highlight R.U.1.2? Plans 0 On Saturday, June 21, Vermont will host its first Juneteenth/Stonewall Commemoration in Burlington. Stonewall! Now queer folks are used to celebrating Pride in June, but we can't forget that this celebration is based on another his- tory of liberation struggle. On June 27, 1969 the >> police of New York City