Saturday, June 14th Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington - 3:30PM Pride Choral Evensong Contact Rev. Tanya Wallace for more info at . 135 Pearl - 8PM D] Craig Mitchell 8. Special Guest Dolce. 21+ Sunday, June 15th St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington -_ 3PM Samadhi Singers will perform “The Best of Broadway” Friday June 20th 135 Pearl — 10PM Groov feat. D] l(en~e. $5 cover. 21+ ' Saturday, June 21st Contois Auditorium, Burlington Juneteenth/Stonewall Celebration Noon-4PM luneteenth (June 19, 1865) was the day that the last American slaves were freed in the state of Texas. It is now celebrated as an African- American Independence Day in many states across the nation. The _ Stonewall Rebellionlflune 27, 19.69) ‘ 1 1:30AM Parade Line-Up Along Lake St. began demonstrating against the oppression of the New York City Police Department. Contemporary Pride celebrations around America now commemorate this historic turning point in the struggle for LGBTIQA liberation. join us for a oint celebration of these two occa- sions, featuring a barbecue and . music at noon, followed by a movie ‘ about the life of Bayard Rustin, a queer African’-American civil rights activist. Sponsored by P.R.I.D.E. in Vermont, R.Ll.1.2? Community Center, Outright Vermont, Vermont Anti-Racism Action Team, Women of Color Alliance, and CEDO. ; «Monday, June 23rd R.Ll. 1.2? Community Center, Burlington 1 Steele St. Suite 113 ~ 6PM Safespace presents a discussion: Be Proud to End Queer Violence? Kara DeLeonardis LICSW, and Mike Bensel, Safespace Advocate lead a discussion about vio- lence perpetrated against and within the LGBTQQ communities in Vermont. Find out more about survivors experiences, current climate in Vermont, and whatcomrnunity members can do to help I end violence. Wednesday, June 25th . _ Spectrum Youth 8. Family Services, 145 State St., Rutland - 12PM ‘Justice for All'- A discussion for youth. Join us for. an afternoon of food, music, and conversation. Students and their mentors from the Spectrum. D] Mentorship Program will share their music and turntable skills, followed by a discussion group about the value of diversity and ways to challenge injustice and oppression.” Sponsored by Pride Vermont, O_utright Vermont, and Spectrum Youth and Familyjservices. ,Px-ide Sponsors an. livery 9&3.‘ Pm/ixma WA! RESTAURANT GR Enterprises, Inc. MFL Graphix was the day that queer people