mo uosuv uutanulous Social me at man man By a certain age, here's what many of us have become pretty adept at: Sex...l-lere's what we sometimes get a little rusty at: Intimacy. . ; Ex-Relatnonshap 2 Baggage Drag «age It’: great -to fee Y0“; Hts grew «to see you, So Ethan finally accepted Peter-‘s offer lo spend a weeknd with him in Atlanta... On the one hand, it looks like our hero _ . ...__._,di9s this guy" ' so. why did " .. " ‘ ~ “5"""°”’ ""7 Wu and« Doug was Is‘: " 3 ’° 9 WW “’ 90*“ WW‘ ? aha?--Doug rpm up‘! yofiggzfifiegzfer. A . Doc; mgte Me: I dunno: a («file sunshv about setting involve » 3'3». f''"’’5 NW7 AND 6 ' I K T.T.$NAM€l>oE$TBr~l1>Tl> 20 °’ 35' R6353 7* ‘E5? .. .. 9°? on wfiw awemu. A L01‘ /wp I V&¢MgaV%os'““* wear’: wum ews, Anvw/w,v:croF~7. D0 ‘n-we‘! TAKE couases IN IN$€N$!11VI7Y‘AN9 CAz,l.ou5~ess, og {>0 You surpass 'meY‘9.E .6e~enu.wr Pxoamnsv? SoM€nM€S 1'. can: 69 — -rms :5 APPENING so FAST. 1; I>UN~o :¢ I'M Ream’ Pop. IT... ‘ Yowke ouw 25 YEARS OLD, 1 MEAN , (awe: V :7 Sc-ME ‘rune m,9.em>y, wluwst-Y CAREiFoR. HIM, BUT I DUNNO... WHEN fie INVITED t'\€To O:NN€R AT H15 Mon-\€P.'s 1: ‘maxim I. Sam/\ FREAK- mend, I'M 0 or ‘lb ,1 DUNNO ‘LF 3;. A rrlvinq at Em: Ilrnor se- the doorstep of a new relation- ship, here 5 what ls hard not to drag along also: V Lots of emotional baggage from what came before. one thing seems sure: Those days when llklno a guy was just about fun, like doing cannonballs In a pool? They've been replaced by by Robert -'— 3 59,71 ‘M3 ea. 1-°°° on 901', IT'S A /"\ DEAL’. u= woke Burt 8o'm srsu. Sm» .6l.E BY ‘THE TIME 5 watts 35 weu GET MARRIED. _ OPQM REl.A"noN- 05' lol I _ _ smk oscouase. 1>UDew°P~\<5 mm rm vesv-map 70 8e Acme 1 1 WANN1 35 1159 bow»! Yer... I'M “TM” SE” OUT 50 NE '3 Gomez:/o. V‘ 3* ,1 fl ‘it 6:: vr» ‘ .\ ’ I ¥-J", C 1, 3.’) €T*oo,' A L.n'1'LE PRAY- €F~‘l‘HAT MY Buidb DKVE ON Fkxvfih’ N\C-MT wma THAT SAM ‘THROUGH WKTH ‘T Kirby‘ V ? 3 "—' 3705'!" SA‘! ‘M )0 I‘. ALwAY$ KNEW You won‘? ll€At.L‘l' wmuf us ‘TD woRK... "0-\A‘l“Yo0'D Be ‘me OMETO LlS’t"€Id , aosav, I'M S'oR9.Y.. l"l"$ N°'TYou , 11': - . weu., Look, I'M 3'uSf NEED’ ING A LOT OF... Have: 0 went: on, BRLNDAN-.. snu. 93:‘-I§s oug I. Know N90 P051? Gaaowamw KaNl>K ‘FA!-KS9 €ukoPeAN mm mu: A800? *1 MD A“-: FALL, Rut,»-t*r’? 3:. HAVEN'T PP..n~i"f'€1> or some TAKEN Am TPJPS PLANE ‘n<.\L€T INFO TOGETHER A:\_lD . 5'-fR.oM ‘me: NET F09. one A-n/at: .___M. '5 :3 n... V: " Sface , RIM-$1"? t>ov~wr WOMY, ‘;-M Gonna 6W6 (1 To I . = You IN SPADES .SMLY u£ , A IASSHOLE. a v‘.-. 32:1 sea: t.-'1' ......— «' "~U"‘ 1--C‘ Nfikvous 5 x>o:~x'rwoRRY—mA 1 ‘ wm. Love You. ‘ _* weu.,‘n-\A~\<$ F09. DOING “n-ns..3"_ l<~ow W5 A 816