much more! Open, teal! Queer Youth’ their sup fporrersrir ,1:-600-GL6-CHAT‘or in the state to our distribution volun- teers. For more information about ~ distribution opportunities please contact us at circuiation@mountain- pridemediaorg or call us at 802- 434-6486. Mountain Pride Media also has ad sales rep positions open to sell ads for Out In The Mountains and our web site ‘www.mountain- Dridemediaorg. A monthly stipend and commission on all sales make this a great part or full time job. We ' have a unique readership that likes to eat in restaurants, go to movies, rent films, get massaged, remodel their homes, plant gardens, and more. Without an increase in ad sales, we can't print the paper. Just give us a call at 802-434-5237 or email us at ads@mountainprideme- ' for additional information. R.U.1.2? Builds Community Partnerships Whether it's bringing people togeth- er to think about important issues like the intersections of race and gender or just to enjoy good music; your R.U.1.2? Community Center is building on community partnerships or beginning new ones. We begin on Friday, May 9 when we join Vermont Stage Company to present a benefit per- formance of To Kill a Mockingbird, euetiucroru -.::Ft.U.1.2f-’?.- Race Mam} write" . . Workshop. 7pm. At R,U.1.2’?"'f .l-ieadqu ers. 3 jS_t_eeIe' Street. Burlington. does ._i_t,mean for white people to be allies to people g What of col Rebecca Emerson. leads this workshop "tat Support Group.- ;“19 Church ,st‘r‘éet. Ages 22 and‘ .gA'co identiat & facilitated group foryou_th‘tor_ ‘ in gener- ' A 3- "an ‘ecl<"in, a_bputtheir~='week&iire Harper Lee's timeless story of racial prejudice and dignified courage. The show is at 7:30.p.m. at the FlynnSpace, 153 Main Street, Burlington. Join us at 6:15 pm for a pre-show discussion about the inter- sections of gender and race. Benefit tickets are available from R.U.1.2? Community Center at 860-7812. We accept Mastercard, Visa, checks and cash_! Next, if you couldn't get enough of Burlington’s bubblegum indy-pop band, The Smittens, at our 5th Annual Community Dinner and Silent Auction, don't miss “Q- Squared at Red Square.” The Smittens will openfor the Vermont -8:30pm. auatrncrou ‘- Vermont-Gay. seer Alternatives 4 1 wee y Volleyball. 6-8prn. See eunu em. St pap.-s EplscopalCei1jedtel - if .4, Opera. =.Quattro. 7pm. Opera _ A peasnabie-‘iopd.itér“ns will receive it _ 5 special prize drawn at the endof the "night. Doors 3 ._ :.OPt§fi‘af7Pm.Show_,'8prn,AtCact Jack's. Atthe installment of the northeastern tour of Hawaiian queer band Juha, a hip-hop crew with a queerArab twist, that The Portland Mercury says "thrive(s) on the fringe of both gay and hip hop cultures." “Q- Squared at Red Square" will begin at 9 pm on Friday, May 16th at Red Square Bar and Grill, 136 Church Street, Burlington. Admission is $5, benefiting your community center. Tickets are available at the door or in advance from the Center. Finally, coming up for Pride month, R.U.1.2? is working with organizations including Haymarket People's Fund, Vermont Anti-Racism Action Team, Outright ‘ ' $10,100 Donation requested» at tlte‘door.5O/‘$06 Raffie & Gift.Bag‘Drawlng. ViceroyTantalus @aot;o'om7or A‘ Baronyofa|, T ao2+27e:ss27.‘ euriuinoron - Christ Church _Presbyteria . - ,1 Sunday Service. 9:30am. See May. . p ' Mourpetien-Losmatron Theat V Chiidrenfs Hour. ‘6_;80'pm. Mounta‘ ‘A Pride‘ ‘ .-.bene_ffrt performancejoftjllian Helimari f'fl=‘he_ 5 .._(;:hiIdrer'1‘s’i-tour‘ at Lost’Nation Theater in. Montpelier (runs 5/15- 6/1) at 6:80 pm. Tickets are $21. To ‘res'e"rv"e,"‘contact Roland at 802-383-7679.‘ B.Ul,a,Lr~ero~.:.ou:rigir£ vemsé Group. 6-8pm. it is time to get outside & play. Come join us_for,.a rousing game of Kickball. (in, . ‘case. of rain/cold will be chllli'n' like vtilains inside.) 2 Ages 22 and under. 187 St. Paul St. Burlington. VT 80,0-GL_B—CHAT or www.out: tietwtbrg,lG'l"ON - Fl.U.1.2 ? - Earth Healing. 6pm. A - RU12 headquarters. Join us for the monthly Earth, ,1 ,[. l-l‘e’atlng'.sjession. See you there! Please call 860-‘ V . 1» BQHLINGION - Ft.U.1.2 ? - Popular Educa ion rreetrngyspm. Pop Ed.ranges‘.rém H_ums”'and‘panels,tofllm discussions nd' ' R. , . .99?."i‘"‘5. .F° . tract the c e t orj;802.-860- f Vermont, P.R.l.D.E. Vermont, and the Women Of Color Alliance to present Brother/Outsider, the pow» * erful documentary about gay and black civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, organizer of the 1963 Mar: . on Washington. It will be followed by a discussion of Stonewall and Juneteenth and what they continue to mean for equality and civil rights in this country. This June 21st event will be free and open to the public. Look for more details in next month's Out in the Mountains. V