community compass Send check to: Vlfild Root ArtsIHooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery 139 Main St, Brattleboro, VT 05301. 4) Anive at the theater 1/2 hour prior to curtain. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. scrunoourestrormenwno Lorre Men . The Vlfinter Schmoozefest, the sec- ond of four large social events for gay and bisexual men and other men who love men, which was co- sponsored by the Men's Resource Center of Western Massachusetts and Tapestry Healthy Systems, was held on Sunday, February 9, 2003. More than 85 men attended this happening where they enjoyed catered hors-d,oeuvres and desserts, art by regional GBQ artists, a few songs performed by the Pioneer Valley Gay Men's Chorus, and lots of social interac- tion. Many familiar faces from the Autumn Schmoozefest were joined by those many new men to expand their social connections throughout the wide geographical areas of southern VT to northem CT and the Berkshires to central MA and beyond. The next event, our Spring Schmoozefest, is scheduled for Sunday. April 13. It will again take place in the lovely Garden House at Look Park in Northampton (Florence), MA, from 3:00 to 5:30 pm. Delicious catered food, fantas- tic art, and a different, brief, live art perfonnance featuring GBQ men will be provided. We hope to see many men return and to welcome , many new guys from our very diverse community. If you are look- ing to meet others with mutual inter- ests, make some new friendships, or perhaps meet Mr. Right (or Mr. Right" Now), this social occasion is the opportunity you have been wait- ing for! The weather might even treat us kindly and allow socializing in the beautiful surroundings just ‘ outside of the Garden House. Our Summer Schmoozefest on June 1 will certainly pennit us to take in the gorgeous gardens that highlight the grounds of the Garden House. If you would like to get more information about the upcom- ing event, contact Allan Arnaboldi at the Men,s Resource Center of Western Massachusetts by calling (413) 253-9887 x10 or by emailing him at aamabo|di@mensresource- You can also ask to be put on an email list to receive announcements about this and future Schmoozefest gatherings. You can also contact him if you are interested in displaying your art at either the April or June events. spring‘ at MPM Mountain ride edia would like to thank everyone who entered our Think Spring 2003 Raffle. The win- ners have been drawn and the prizes mailed. Thanks to the follow- ing businesses for their generous donations to our raffle: River Mist B&B; Special Ops Media; Trmberholm Inn; Winding Brook Lodge; The Highlands Inn; Umiak Outdoor Outfitters; The Photo Garden; The Green Mountain Film - Festival. We also thank the 35 peo- A ple who joined us to see the sold out David Sedaris show at the Flynn Center. We are excited to announce our next theater event with Lost Nation Theater of Montpelier. Mountain Pride Media is proud to be co-sponsoring Lillian Hellman's The Children’s Hour, starring Janice Perry. The darkly evocative play of rumors damaging the lives of teach- ers will run May 15 through June 1. We will have a special benefit per- formance on Sunday, May18th at 6:30 p.m. fickets are $21, with a portion of the ticket price going to support Mountain Pride Media's work in publishing Out in the Mountains. If you'd like benefit tick- ets please call or email Roland at 802-383-7679 (days) or rfpvt@together. net. Mountain Pride Media would like to thank Jeanne and Dennis who both were distribution volunteers and who recently have moved on. This leaves us with three distribution routes that are in need of new volunteers: Plattsburgh (NY), Bennington '(VT), and the Putney (VT)/Keene (NH) area. We are also looking for couriers to deliver papers throughout the state to our distribution volunteers in the nonnal course of their travels. For more infonnation about distribution oppor- tunities please contact us at circula- or call us at 802-434-6486. Our thanks go to a great crew at our March “Stuffing" night. Our April “Stuffing” night will be on Thursday, April 24th at our offices in Richmond (above The Daily Bread) starting at around 5 p.m. We're usually done by 7 p.m. Please join us in welcom- ing Jack Ryniec of Lowell, Vermont who joined the Board of Directors on March 1_. Jack has been volun- teering for MPM helping with vari- ous web site projects including the _ OITM Online Archive. We also would like to welcome Dustin, our new VTPridenet Listserv Administrator and to send out a huge thank you to Tina for her numerous years of volunteer serv- ice as our _first VTPridenet Listserv Administrator. You can read more about VTPridenet on our web site under Online Community Connections. Mountain Pride Media is still looking for ad sales reps to sell ads for Out In The Mountains and ‘for our web site wvvvv.mountain- _ A monthly stipend and commission on all sales make this a great part- or full-time job. Just give us a call at 802-434-5237 or email us at ads@mountainpride- for additional information. Pride VT Benefits from House of LeMay The House of LeMay, Vermont's most established drag performance troupe, will be hosting a benefit for Pride Vennont on Sunday, April 27, at the St. John's Club in Burlington. The day begins at noon with brunch, continues with rousing games of Drag Bingo and con- cludes with the naming of Vermont's Drag Queen Idol. Since 1994, Amber & Margaurite, The Sisters LeMay, and their entourage, The House of ; LeMay, have been featured in Vennont’s Gay Pride Parade as well as kicked off each of those post- Parade Day entertainment ses- , sions. For the past three years they have appeared in Bur1ington's annu- al Mardi Gras Parade. This past February, The House of LeMay organized and hosted the People Vlfith AIDS Coalition's very success- ful Drag Ball. The House of LeMay has also been one of Pride Vermont's biggest supporters, donating in excess of $1000 for the past sever- al years. The April 27 event begins at noon with a brunch buffet, fol- lowed by Drag Bingo with many nice prizes at 2:00pm and the Drag Queen ldol contest beginning at 4:00pm. Several raffles will also be conducted during the day as well. Price for admission is $10 and includes the Brunch Buffet (noon-2pm) as well as appetizers and a pizza buffet which will be offered all day. Raffle tickets and bingo cards will cost extra. A cash bar is available. For more informa- tion email sis| ' V