BUT‘ ury ConfidenfiaL Caring, Committed. Take a positive step right now. i Call us toll freeat: 1-8oo-358-1144 After dialing, wait for the i Comprehensive Care C|i|‘IiCS . ‘Fletcher Allen Health Care operator. ’ 7 1_8oo_358_1144 Ext Then ask for extension 4594. The Comprehensive Care Clinic teams The call is toll free and confidential are here to help. a ‘ .. PROMOTING GOOD HEAL TH AMGNG MEN rmo HA VE sex WITH MEN & TRANSGEMJER VT M4M WEBSITE wvvw.vtm4m.net Hea1th,issues for Vermont’s gay and bisexual men, and transgender. ’ Facts abeut Vermont ’M4M Infomaation about specific diseaseg Alcohol, drugs, manta} health, sexual health Safety issues 'su’c:i‘1‘as assault and violence Resources ‘in Vermont Calendar of events 1 Special -Popuiations: Men who are H1V+; Men over 50; Men under. 25; Transgender M4191 NEWS DIGEST , E-n1a'i.led on the 20th of each month, the Digest covers health topics of interest to MAM and MT? transgender. To register for the free digest, email to ma:rgoe@tds.net with “Subscribe VT 1\/14M Dige_st” in the subject heading. A , WEEKLY M4M CALENDAR Erriaiied on Fridays, provides social as well as support information for MSM and the transgender community. While also available at w'ww.vtm4m.net, you can get a copy emailed. to you by sending an e—mail to,__,margoc@tds.net with “Subscribe VT M'4'M Calendar” in the subject heading. ‘ - . so}? i I 2&1-'(4l1'},Li£§&i“£ This ad was funded by a generous grant from the Haymerket Peoples Fund ,4? 5' salad M” ,,. « ~ - «- 2n :u» supporting Mountain Pride Media’sNon~Profii Access Program.