pring happens. With it, striding up the road as mud season reaches its full glory, comes Aries, the youthful warrior. If that seems too macho a metaphor — and there are metaphors galore —. imagine the new sprout or bud, up and opening, with a “now what?” attitude. Aries begins ‘our cycle around the seasons, starting with the spring equinox and continu- ing, traditionally, until April 20 ' or so. One of the questions we might ask ourselves is how can we be in synch with the energy of the astrological/seasonal changes. In this particular case, how can we “be with” Aries in a creative and healthy way. Am I going to take out the trash? Will I give this pedestrian the right of way? Do I really need to interrupt in this conversation? As with any sign in the zodiac, there is always the possi- bility of “being with” Aries in some of the not-so-wholesome manifestations of the astrological energies of the moment. With the warrior energy of Aries, for example, a head of state could attempt to “Ram” a war down the throats of huge and unwilling global populations, or an ordi- nary dyke could pick a fight with her boss. We get to choose for better or for worse. ' Learning courage is the name of the game with Aries, and we can easily see how that head of state or that ordinary dyke could be fooled into think- ing their actions are-courageous. A question we can repeatedly ask ourselves during this time is: ‘Am I acting courageously in this instance? Duality will be height- ened during this time, and it’s so tempting and easy to fall into the either/or, oppositional patterns we all seem adore. Here the freshness and creativity of Aries can help us to see something new and more beautifully origi- nal. Now comes the opportunity to let go of past resentrnents and tired beliefs we've clung onto. We can now challenge our own - status quo and come up with new, constructive, and coopera- tive ways of being. This requires looking beyond the Self, step- ping back to see the broader pic- ture. How can I/we move toward something greater than my/our own agenda toward harmony, commitment, and ultimately‘ a feeling of greater wholeness? If this starts sounding a bit lofty it can be viewed on the most mundane and microcosmic levels. Am I going to take out the trash? Will I give this pedes- trian the right of way? Do I real- ly need to interrupt in this con- versation? It's so easy to be addict- ed to turmoil and struggle. eing Aries Although it does seem to have entertainment value eventual- ly, it’s a Big Bore. Our defiant, stubborn, petty, reactive and argumentative ways are not real- ly our strengths though they may be somewhat colorful and there- fore seductive. Being colorful is great and wondrous. It can feed us, and we may also be able to see, in the words of one of my favorite bumper stickers, “Being Weird Is Not Enough.” g In this time we can use our talents and abilities to partic- ipate in doing what needs to be done. We now are able to access the powerfully creative energy of this season to move from self- centeredness toward a more bal- anced integration with others. We become more able to con- tribute to the whole. This can take us beyond the tired and illu- V sory definitions of winner/loser to a more juicy and joyfiil reali- ty. We are using the inspirational stuff of Aries, the highest form of warrior, when we are able to forgive the insult, remember to be grateful, become peacemakers and practice patience when anger arises. And now comes the fiery brilliance of Aries to lead us toward theses acts of courage. Are you ready for this? As peo- ple who have the gonads to be out about our sexual orientation and to honor the vast andvaried potentials of our gender identi- ties, we have had practice on a daily basis at asserting our right to be who we are. ‘It is, in part, highly personal. We can then look beyond the personal, become increasingly more able to expend and expand our ' courage and broaden our circle of compassion to include the well being of others. With the help of Aries lighting a fire under our butts, we have the potential for being our biggest and bravest selves.V Glo Daley is an astrologer living on women's [and in Huntington. Tipton continued from previous page. with another woman, Kitty Kelly. Billed as “The Irish Venus,” Kelly was ‘a stripper at the club: She was twenty-seven, and Billy was forty-five, although claiming to be a bit Younger. ' Billy and Kitty began to live together in 1961 in a loving but sex-free marriage. They adopted three boys, Kitty joined the PTA and the family took fishing trips in Billy’s free time. When the marriage broke up after 16 years, Billy started see- ' ing Maryann again. They talked about living together, but Maryann could see that the chances of it working were slim._ Maryarm did, however, confront him about her 1960 dis- covery of a birth certificate for 21 Dorothy T ipton. Later, after the ' breakup with Kitty, she asked Billy if he was a woman, if he was Dorothy. He said nothing, ' she recalled, just gave her a “ter- rible look.” Billy died of an ulcer in 1989 and it was the coroner’s report that brought out Billy’s secret: “The deceased had the body of a normal woman past menopause.” Y ‘Further Reading: Suits Me, the Double Life of Billy Tipton, by Diane Wood Middlebrook, Houghton Mifflin, 1998. " Billy Tipton Biographer Diane Wood Middlebrook Talks about Cross-Dressing Jerry Jazz Musician, www.jerryjazzmusi- ' Francesca Susannah is a writer. interested in lesbians through history. She lives in Burlington. yarztdlaurzse/are _cy Institute ; Rjeadiingsl and Spiritual Healing 4+ l' +_Co‘uplcs-+- _ A: at Groups} Parties {Civil Unions 4»- W A ‘ 8 3.2 0 NN.llXel'1iICUT .Ri.vr:iz" . ‘ fllil CANADIAN Bmman Janet Langdon, M. Div. MCPsyA Psychoanalysis Pastoral Counseling Individuals 6: Couples Jungian orientation NOW IN NORTHAMPTON 9 Center Court, 413-584-2442 and still on River Road, Putney, VT 05346 802-387-5547. _]liesl@sover'.net , V The Stone Hearth Inn & Tavem ,4? In Southern Vermont Presents... " Saturday Night Candlelit Winter Dinner Series ‘ & DJ Dance Parties When? Saturday Nights: March 8 and 15, 2003 Where? 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