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Arranged for privacyaround central courtyards, the cottages are fully equipped, and offer many Take inthe breathtaking sunsets when evening falls, and choose one of the nearby fine restaurants or grill out on the deck. I/Vhatever your lifestyle, you’ll enjoy the serentiy of these cottages, and wvvw.changingtidescottages.com you’ll want to return time and time again. info@changingtidescottages.com e*r..,....~,.,:r(.,.g..;....ie.a.,... an §..,......a.s9...a«...... t can happen to anyone. Lesbian Bed Death is that time in the natural evolution of a relationship when two warm, sensuous women slide their silky, pulsating bodies together under the covers and promptly fall asleep. ‘ Most ofthe time it’s. V what goes on inside our own heads ,that’s to blame for losing the urge to share fluids. Mental preoccupations are the worst. I sometimes find my sexual over- tures trumped by whatever is on Sweetie’s mind. lt’s not easy to retrieve her attention from wor- rying about that load of wet laundry she suddenly remembers leaving in the washer or what Mo’s going to do after Jezzana closes Madwimmin Books. My own sexual response is also susceptible to myriad distractions, such as the widespread misuse of the term myriad as if it were a synonym of plethora which it’s not 7 hello? — doesn’t anyone use the dictionary anymore? Stewing over language errors while we’re in the sack would chill any- body’s sizzle. There’s no end to the ’ demons that lure us away from lovemaking. Last week when Sweetie and I were getting amorous the cat started retching at the foot of the bed. That sound sure can sidetrack a private party. By the time she was done,_ Pussy’s rhythmic efforts pro- I duced the only thing in our bed that was still hot and heavy. Our flames of passion also get doused by external influ- ences, such as seeing Pat Buchanan’s smiling face in the voters’ pamphlet or watching the frat-boy president steer our coun- try into World War III. And how sexy do we feel when yet anoth- er ignoramus assures us they don’t care what we do “behind closed doors,” which we know darn well is nothing more than snoring and passing gas? ' Our sex-life is our own _ business, but who has the energy to focus on the bottom line? Why are we always “too tired?” Have we squandered our ener- gies on silly little things like get- ting the Democratic senatorial candidate elected and paying our I utility bills? Have we forgotten the importance of making love with the one we love? What happened to our priorities? A . Maybe we let the homo- phobes get to us. I think I got so wrapped up in proving that les- bians are more than our sexuality I didn’t notice that my own sexu- ality was dropping out of the pic- ture. I was determined to counter the stereotype of the sex- obsessed homosexual’s same-sex sexual orientation. Sex sex sex! Is that all they think we do? I’d come home from debunking the . myths to my hotsy totsy girfriend and be reluctant to engage in so much as hand—holding, lest Pat Robertson himself pop out from the TV andcause us to ‘spend the rest of our evening chasing him around with a rolled up newspa- per. Have we squandered our energies on silly I little things _ like getting the Democratic senatorial candidate elected and payingour utility bills? But it’s not too late. Even those of us who have been together since before mullets (the haircut, not the fish) were cool can still reawaken our natural, carnal vitality and re-ignite our - power to be turned on by each - other's magnificence. And I know this is true despite it also being the message of Joann Lulan, the renowned lesbian sex therapist who bilked our commu- nity of thousands of dollars on her workshops and books and is now married to a man for chris- sake. Whatever, let it go. Honor diversity. ‘ Even Dr. Ruth advises sexually dormant couples to get the TV out of the boudoir. I do find it decidedly anti-erotic to spend my late nights in the glow of arrogant white guys. If you’re not willing to move the TV, at least watch something more sexy, like the nature channel. During one of our long dry spells, Sweetie and I were veg- ging in front of the TV when we happened to catch a documentary about the Bonobo chimpanzees. Have you heard of this matriar- chal species? They are the happi-